My son fell on one of our 3 week old ducklings and broke its upper leg. I have splinted it and stabilized that part of the leg. After 2 days it still looks like it doesn't have any movement in its foot. Will this be something it never regains or will it just take time?
We just bought 2 crested ducklings and one is doing great but the other is smaller and is having trouble pooping. It’s backs up and strains to poop. Sometimes it poops other times nothing. It’s bottom is staying wet and it looks like it’s “stuck”. I’ve tried using a warm wash cloth to wipe...
We have tons of Muscovy ducks around our apartment complex here in FL. We've been watching a mother laying on some eggs in a large potted plant near the pool side, and about a week or so later, watched her walking around with newly hatched ducklings! So cute.
A day later I noticed the...