This chick I hatched (I’ve named her maybelline), has a black line behind each eye. I thought it was dirt at first, but it’s bilaterally symmetrical. Anyone know if it’s something that warrants investigation, or is it just a weird feather marking?
Ok so I volunteer on a farm animal rescue with 700+ animals (300-400 being birds) and yesterday we discovered a hen with NASTY pus filled ear infections; we removed the pus the best we could without hurting her and gave her oral antibiotics but after inspecting her flock mates both of them also...
Recently my coturnix quail developed a squinty, irritated eye. Now I found his ear covered in a scab-type material with his ear hole clogged. I cleaned the area with saline and applied a little bit of Triple Polysporin, but I didn't want to dig anything out of his ear just in case. My regular...
Hello everyone!
My hen has been unable to walk for 1 month, probably due to an injury (I'm hoping it's not Marek), so we are keeping her in the house. In the last week, I saw lice on her so I used some DE and gave her a bath with dish soap and salt right away - we really don't want lice on her...
Please help.... i have a broody hen whose one ears seem to have an ear infection. Yesterday i tried cleaning the ears with hydrogen peroxide in Q-tip. I did not see any foreign material but only an empty hollow hole? But there are fluid like pus or watery that attach to her ear hair which...
I always wanted to know how a healthy chicken ear looks like and how to occasionally clean it. ?
Sometimes new feathers seems coming on ear and noted the feather covered in feather casing (wax covering on feathers )
So how to check a healthy chicken ear? my question 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Hi! So I noticed today when I got home my black star had a red earlobe, the other side isn’t red like that! Can someone help me on what’s happening or what to do?! She doesn’t seem to be in pain or acting different. Sorry about the bad pics, they are hard to get pics of.
She was fine/normal 36 hours ago. Went to give dinner (shes been hiding in the coop) and noticed her ear is HUGE! My first reaction is it was my rooster, hes not always gentle in his love making (please note her comb) but the way its puffy certainly it is infected. I don't think its canker bc...
First time chicken owner of ~5 months here. I have two pullets whose earlobe colors seem to be changing. I'm a bit worried about the olive egger because the color seems to be more yellow (the austra white's ears seems more white). I'm not sure if infectious - don't see any pus or...
My chicken has a swollen ear lobe (from a peck?) which I've tried cleaning and applying neosporin to the initial wound but it hasn't healed. When I first noticed it I squeezed some puss out but since then there has been no puss just blood if I squeeze it. What should I do? ( the blue on her...
I currently have two anconas who appear to each have green earlobes. It’s a minty green so I’m not sure if it’s natural or do they both have an infection? This is the best photo I can get of it
Help, please!
We got 3 Chocolate Orp pullets (and one chocolate-laced Wyandotte) from a breeder a week ago.
They're in isolation now and seem happy and healthy, except for a swollen ear on one of the Orps.
Yesterday, I noticed that "Georgia" has a huge swelling around her left ear.
My chicken has an ear infection but I can't find any similar information on what she has.
There is a white lump blocking the ear canal. I'm not sure if it's a swollen part of her ear or something I should attempt to remove. When I stretch her ear out I can see all around the lump, like it's not...