I am giving them away, have sold a dozen, and am eating some everyday! Didn't think my Rouens would be such good egg layers! 5 ducks, and now 4 chickens laying. I am going to be swimming in eggs soon!
Girls were 13 weeks when I got. That was July 28th. They are EE Americanas. 1 of the 3 girls has begun to lay 2 days ago. Today is January 13th. I thought they would never start laying. Especially because I was going over the winter, the light change, the temperature change, the exercise change...
This is my 11 month old chicken who is SUPPOSEDLY a brown-red Americana. ( I think that she layed a brown egg today that is why I'm asking LOL) MAKE SURE TO VOTE!
From Wiki and USDA:
Jumbo eggs are 2.5 oz, XL are 2.25, L 2.0, M 1.75, S 1.5, PeeWee 1.25 oz
I am getting 1-3 small eggs daily. Cute little buggers. So I eat those for breakfast the next day. Try to put the larger ones aside for customers. These are large by rating, so we are good, but I...