ee eggs

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    Some eggs from my almost eight year old blind Easter Egger named Blink
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    I am giving them away, have sold a dozen, and am eating some everyday! Didn't think my Rouens would be such good egg layers! 5 ducks, and now 4 chickens laying. I am going to be swimming in eggs soon!
  3. DarthUnderhill

    9 months to Eggs

    Girls were 13 weeks when I got. That was July 28th. They are EE Americanas. 1 of the 3 girls has begun to lay 2 days ago. Today is January 13th. I thought they would never start laying. Especially because I was going over the winter, the light change, the temperature change, the exercise change...
  4. Pixichicken

    New member with new EE chicks!

    Would love to see more pictures of ee chicks and mature ones as well!
  5. rosemarysugar

    EE or Americana?!!??!?!

    This is my 11 month old chicken who is SUPPOSEDLY a brown-red Americana. ( I think that she layed a brown egg today that is why I'm asking LOL) MAKE SURE TO VOTE!
  6. RUNuts

    Egg sizes

    From Wiki and USDA: Jumbo eggs are 2.5 oz, XL are 2.25, L 2.0, M 1.75, S 1.5, PeeWee 1.25 oz I am getting 1-3 small eggs daily. Cute little buggers. So I eat those for breakfast the next day. Try to put the larger ones aside for customers. These are large by rating, so we are good, but I...
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