egg eaters

  1. talkinboutchickens

    We've got an egg-eater on our hands...😤

    Hello everyone. We've got some egg-eater(s) now 😡 This has been going on since maybe December? Or November? Or earlier?Honestly it has probably been going on for even longer than that, since I've seen broken eggs in the summer, but we just suspected that our chicken's big bodies were smashing...
  2. S

    Non stop egg eating !

    I have five hens and a roo, almost two years old. Very recently they have gone nuts for eating their eggs, have stopped laying in the egg boxes, and instead laying in the coop floor under where they sleep. Most days by the time i get home and let them out of the run I find some remnants of an...
  3. J

    Questions about chickens that eat their own eggs!

  4. Clucking_Caramel

    I have raised me some egg eaters!

    My flock started eating there own eggs, there was yolk all over their little faces and destroyed egg shells. Now I get 0 eggs and can't tell if they eat them or have stopped laying. I have to buy eggs again! Most recent recovered egg had a peck mark in it. We also had a horrific drought this...
  5. Mrhein

    Egg Eating Flock

    What do you do about egg eating chickens? I put the mustard egg in this morning and they ate the thing eggshell and all. Then while I was standing in the run inspecting them for mustard face, a hen layer an egg from the one of the roosting branches in the run and nearly the whole flock...
  6. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! Chickens Eating Eggs!

    4 out of 7 of our pullets have started laying. 3 of the 4 have learned to use the nesting boxes, no problem. They each lay brown eggs, which are always left in the nesting boxes, untouched. The 4th pullet, our EE "Darla," seems confused about laying in the boxes and leaves her white eggs in the...
  7. ojust4today

    Learning Lessons the Hard Way...Help! ‍♀️

    Here I am again looking for sound advice for a mistake I made... I’m officially learning from the hard way. So a few months ago I had a hen that was laying super thin eggs. They were fragile. After several broke various ways I would just chuck them out of frustration/convenience around the...
  8. christineavatar

    My chickens are eating laid eggs!

    My birds have taken it upon themselves to eat the laid eggs. I collect the eggs every evening and was averaging about eleven. That suddenly dropped to four or five. When we cleaned the coup out (do it about once a week) one hen was attacking the already laid eggs. She would break the shell and...
  9. K

    Chickens eating eggs

    Firstly, these are not my chickens, and I don’t agree with their husbandry. I am trying to convince the owner to let me take over their management. There are 8 Red Sex link layers and 1 Columbia rock in a 6x8 foot dog pen with a 2x6 nighttime coop at the top of it. One sex link went broodyish...
  10. Bettyboop7499

    No more eggs...& a couple of duck questions?

    Hello BYCM, I have four Plymouth Barred Rock hens approximately 10 months old, the days are short now and they seem to have all stopped laying. I believe I have a egg eating problem as well, my numbers were all over the place, 4,3,2,1,3,0...then one every other nothing. If they did...
  11. karenls50

    Egg eaters

    We have tried to find out who is eating the eggs. We can’t catch them but we see hens in the nest and when we go out later the nest is wet with no eggs—or shells. I know some are laying. It might even be a rodent or a snake. Is there a security camera that someone could recommend that I could...
  12. HappyFeetHens

    Egg Eaters - Filling Blown Eggs?

    I’m having problems with some of my RIRs (I have 4) eating just about every egg they lay. My leghorn, who’s younger, doesn’t seem interested in it yet, but I’ve seen my RIRs eat the others’ eggs as soon as they’re laid, or if one falls or cracks accidentally, they swoop right in to eat it all...
  13. LoveDatChickenLife

    Egg eaters HELP

    My new hens are just starting to lay. One of them wanted to go to the wrong nest boxes so I placed her in hers and she laid an egg. But the other one... is laying them elsewhere. I found one outside, one in the run, and while I was gone my mom said one of them laid an egg and they all ate it...
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