I have 15 chickens, 12 of them are ALMOST 2 years old (DOB 3/2023).
Of course, it’s December, some are molting, etc etc so I have only been getting about 1 egg a day.
Tonight I found an “egg” inside a box. It looks like chewed gum or deflated balloon…
Is it just a weird egg thing? It’s not a...
I have two 18 month old RIR who laid beautifully until April this year when they started laying soft shell eggs. Strangely, they were molting at that time ( we have had crazy weather in BC, Canada this year) so I increased protein to 18% grower and then to 20% starter, they get free access to...
Attached is a picture of 5 eggs from 2 of our birds. Recently, these two have seen a sudden change in their egg color / texture. The picture shows this change in egg shell color from top to bottom.
We have also lost several eggs to (what we think) was them having very thin shells (from our...
One of my 3 year old runner ducks had been having recurring egg issues. She seems to be acting fine, as in not ill, but she lays a soft shelled egg almost every afternoon. I started giving her a Citrical tablet every night before she went to bed and it seemed to help her lay a hard shelled...
This is my second year of back yard chickens and we have run into a bit of a problem. We keep 5 ducks(3 female,2 male), (4)2 year old hens and (6) 9 month old bantam hens all together and I’m only getting one chicken egg a day!
The chickens roost in their coop and the ducks have a little house...
Hi everybody, I’m Sage and I’m from Australia! My EE hen has been walking weirdly which I noticed the other day, and I noticed her butt was dirty with poop. I noticed today that now it looks more yellow and it appears to be it may be an egg. She hasn’t laid for many months and I thought she had...
Hi all!
My sweet hen has been having recurring problems with laying eggs and our vet recommended that she get a
hysterectomy). Unfortunately I don’t have the money($3500) to get this surgery for her right now:( I am posting on here because I wonder if maybe someone has had...
The ongoing saga of my duck Sage. Sage has been doing some odd egg things since she has been on her meds for the scratched cornea and bumblefoot. She's has been laying a nice, hard-shelled egg in the morning and then, off and on, laying a soft shelled egg in the later afternoon. Today she...
I've been keeping hens since March of this year. They're rescue ex-batts and I have already lost 2 of the 5 I started with, been to the vets with another and now one of the others is unwell. I've dealt with a lot since keeping them - the first prolapsed after one week so I had to learn things...
I have 7 shipped hatching eggs under broody hens right now; 3 cochin eggs and 4 d'uccle eggs. I candled at day 11, and all but one of the d'uccles looked perfectly normal. (I use this Candling Progression post to reference if my eggs are looking normal/healthy.) The one d'uccle egg appeared to...
Hello all,
I'm very new to raising chickens and have been getting eggs from one of my girls that contain small specks. See attached pic. What are these and is it ok to eat? Also, is it something that can be corrected with their diet or something else? Thank you very much for your help.