I think my one goose, different from before, has a blockage of some kind. She's not a year yet but will be in May.
She's been having diarrhea yesterday night but I noticed this morning her trying to push and her vent pushing out completely. She has mucus or something coming out. She also has a...
We have a frizzled gold laced polish hen that we thought was egg bound or injured since she was walking like a penguin after finding her with her saddle all messed up and pulling her wings back at an odd angle. Her saddle was removed but she continued the penguin waddle so we brought her inside...
Usually she is very happy and hangs around the other ducks but for the past day or two she has been staying away kind of off in her own corner… they are about 6 months old and I just started finding eggs this week so I thought maybe she’s broody somehow already but I don’t think that’s the case...
Hi all, I have 4 chickens, all who currently have chicken pox. The girl I have isolated, who was being very badly bullied, has not laid an egg since Friday. She typically lays every day. There was no irritation around her vent, she seems a bit tired and isn't moving a whole bunch, but she is...
She keeps trying in her usual spot, making her "laying noise", but no egg. She normally will lay everyday. I'm not sure what to do at this point. She is eating normally. We have not seen her poop. Not saying she hasn't - just haven't seen her do it. She is 21 weeks old. Weighs about 3lbs...
I have 5 Wyandotte chickens, they are just starting to reach egg laying age. These are our first chickens, so it is all new. We have had 3 small eggs in the past week. I have one chicken that is acting strange, she has been very vocal, keeps separating herself and laying down in secluded spaces...
Hi, my name is Eva and I am new here. I am also new to having backyard chickens.. I have encountered a problem with one of my young hens, a cream legbar mix. She is gaping and screaming, and seems very distressed. She also seems to limp. She has just started to lay eggs, and they are huge. I...
Hi! My hen who is just over a year old (Easter Egger) has been in the nesting box A LOT. She was in possibly all last night and majority of the day today. The past two days frequently, more yesterday. She is making really low short clucks and almost “growls” when other hens go near her. She has...
Duck wasn’t quite herself and seemed to be egg bound. She hasn’t laid in months. We soaked her several times in a warm bath and she strained while pushing. Eventually I could see the “egg” when she pushed, it was a massive grayish, calcified mystery. I continued to massage it out but what came...
Hello! I have a three year old Buff Orpington who I noticed had a floppy, pale comb and was lethargic. I brought her inside and gave her an epsom salt bath, she ended up passing a small soft shelled egg. She is still breathing heavily, is lethargic and has no interest in food/treats..how long...
So my hen is almost 2 years old. She's normally an active runner and a healthy layer. She hasn't been moving much for the past day and a half and there's definitely an egg in there that she hasn't laid. I've tried all the usual things for an egg-bound hen. We've done a warm Epsom salt soak...
Just like I stated in the title, my hen is still not able to walk after finally laying the eggbound egg, though she doesnt really seem lethargic, she still eats and drink with assistance and her comb and wattles are red as usual, Is it possible she can walk once again? if so what can i give her...
Hi there, I'm definitely needing some help from anyone and everyone right now. I'm very concerned over my 5 year old Jumbo Pekin Cracker, as she came out of the coop this morning with her 3 year old sister and has been acting very weird. She's had a little limp for a bit now but today it seems...
Hello, I've got a 10 1/2 month old Andalusian looking hen, who feels very eggbound and full, named Billie Joe. We noticed last Sunday afternoon when we'd picked her up. She's been separate from the other chickens in dog crate with plenty of pine shavings, water, and food. Billie Joe circles and...
I know. It counterintuitive. But I do know that there is an implant that a vet can put into a bird to help reduce or stop laying entirely. I know it might be hard to fathom of why somebody would want to do some thing like this but my favorite little Serama hen, Pippa, is a tiny little thing...
I have a new layer, only 2 eggs in, who is eggbound. I have given her electrolytes and fluids by crop feeding, as well as Ca Gluconate to help her pass the egg. I have given her a warm bath with epsom salts, and just gave her another one 15 minutes ago. I can feel the egg pushing up against the...
My hen has been acting strange since yesterday. She laid her first egg last Friday and hasn’t laid since. Yesterday she started to refuse food and hold her tail feathers down. She keeps to herself in the darkest part of coop, so I assumed she was egg bound, I didn’t feel anything on her abdomen...
Our 1 year and 9 month old hen was starting to act funny last night, as she was going in the nesting box instead of the roosting bar at night. We thought she had a late egg. But this morning, I noticed she was standing still by the water, ignoring the food i had brought in. I picked her up to...
Hiya, we have a 2 yr old silkie hen that is possibly eggbound but unsure if it could maybe be something else causing her distress. She hasn't laid for months but she is exhibiting a lot of the symptoms of being eggbound so we have been treating her for this.
She is usually very active and...
Hi everyone,
New duck mom here 👋🏼. This duck (I assume female) was discovered this afternoon just laying around. I approached her and instead of standing she used her wings to try to get around. That was her state all day. I put her in the pool and she stood on both feet and moved around in...