eggs & duck

  1. Z

    Are these meat spots in duck eggs?

    Are these meat spots?
  2. H

    Muscovy Duck Egg Cracked Early

    This is first time breeding ducks we got two Muscovy ducks last year and they laid 12 eggs. Four were gotten by puppies before we got the fence fixed but today found one cracked all over and a small tear in the membrane. There is some blood I opened it a little thinking it was dead but it...
  3. Agwhite

    Broody Duck In The Winter!?

    It is the middle of winter here in Alabama and I have a Muscovy hen going broody. We're in the middle of January! I don't understand what’s going through her mind, other than she's a Muscovy duck and they just love the process of hiding and sitting on eggs. I don’t think this is a good idea...
  4. Jmiller87

    Indian Runner Hens

    Recently got 2 fawn and white runners( hatched on July 18th) that are almost 5 months old… I’m just curious as to when they should start laying. Also, we live in Alabama and have only yet had 2-3 days that have gotten below freezing, if that. Could that possibly throw them off to not lay until...
  5. Pamuk

    Duck laying issues! Vet is no help!

    Hello all! My duck is 7 months old and started laying on july 20. She was egg bound with her first egg and after that was laying normally. After her tenth egg, she started experiencing some worrying symptoms such as shaking, excessive panting, wings twitching (a bit spread out as well), raspy...
  6. AshleyNicole06

    Duck eggs...

    Quick question! Please help! I have 6 eggs in an incubator right now. Lockdown will be with a couple days for atleast two of them. (They are all on different days) I'll have to take the automatic turner out.. what do I do with the other eggs that need turned during lockdown? I can turn by...
  7. A

    Anyone know how old these babies are??

  8. P

    Duck eggs on roof ‘garden’

    Hi everyone, i’m just looking for some advice. I’ve seen ducks land in my ‘garden’ before but i live above a shop so my garden is an industrial roof. We’ve seen a egg with yolk a couple of times broken and abandoned and presumed it may have been dropped or something because there was no...
  9. Agwhite

    Duck not sitting on eggs!?

    We have a pair of Mallards that we raised last spring, and a hen nesting behind our AC unit. She’s been laying for 2 weeks at a rate of 2 eggs day and now has 20 eggs in her nest!! But she's still not sitting on them! I know that they typically don’t sit until their done laying and ready to...
  10. Mollieb713

    Soft shells in mature duck

    My female duck has been laying soft shell eggs for about a month now after a really cold winter. It's finally been warm for a steady 2 weeks though and when nothing changed I've began to get concerned. It is her first mating season since I added a male to my flock, however she doesn't seem to be...
  11. BreeShu

    Chickens and Ducks laying together

    I have two pekin ducks in my flock and I was surprised to find their first eggs last week. What was truly surprising though was where I found them. While collecting chicken eggs from the nesting boxes I kept finding a big jumbo egg among them. I have three young hens that I knew would be just...
  12. D

    What kind of egg is this?

    So to start off, I have 4 Easter egger chickens and three brown Ancona ducks. My chickens are 28 weeks and have been giving me 1-2 eggs a day for several weeks. The ducks are 25-26 weeks old and I had given up on them as all being males. When I pick them up they are mostly quiet, but not raspy...
  13. H

    Thick egg yoke

    Hello all, I went to make my daughter some scrambled duck eggs this morning, cracked the egg open and the yoke was a thick gel consistency. The follwing 3 eggs were the same. We have been getting close to or below freezing this week, but the eggs have been sat on by our hen until we gather them...
  14. The Best Duck Breeds For Egg Production

    The Best Duck Breeds For Egg Production

    The Best Duck Breeds For Egg Production Ducks are wonderful animals to have around. Despite the thought that duck must have water, they don't. Actually, if you give them access to water, they will lay their eggs in the water. Ducks are just funny, quirky, wonderful and just all around great...
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