Normal embryonic development in coturnix quail eggs Days 0-12 and Day 17. Days 1-2 are quitters. Day 17 may not be to scale, but all other pictures should be relative to one another.
It’s my first breeding season here in Australia and I’ve been hatching eggs from other breeders, shipped and local. I recently borrowed a Sicilian Buttercup cockerel to put with my three pullets and the breeding pen has been going for a few weeks.
The first batch of 12 fertile eggs, well I...
Ive already made a similar post to this and tried the feedback I got from there with unfortunately no success. We've been trying to hatch a duckling for nearly 3 months now and haven't managed to hatch one. The Ducklings/Embryos develop well and always look healthy inside of the egg. Yet, when...
This is my first time ever owning chickens, I didn't expect a broody hen until spring not to mention her to be successful.
My girl has had a nest for almost 3 weeks and her eggs are in different stages of development. They appear to range from day 9 to day 19, this is normal right? Especially...
Hi there. I'm attempting to hatch some chicken eggs currently and I have some questions. I just candled my 8 day old egg and it's looking like it should for that stage of development. Only issue, the veins and embryo in the center are not rotating/floating with the egg when I turn it, they seem...
So I found my girl laying on about five eggs and if the fertile I don’t really want to get rid of them all of them have kind of a darkness to him compared to the non-fertile egg that I got fresh. But this one egg I have a picture of has a kind of dark shadow in it that was moving around in the...
Hi all!
I've seen my fair share of weird and freaky hatches and those that didn't make it to hatch, but I can only think of one explanation for this one... The chick puts it's foot through the yolk which then healed around the foot. It was not intestines as the yolk/internal organ (what ever)...
I'm incubating duck eggs. This is the second time I've attempted. The incubator was cleaned and the duck eggs were wiped off with a dry cloth before placing them in the incubator. I had 8 and all of them were viable but on day 17 it appears only one still has vessels and is moving. The others...
Today I rotated my eggs and candled, seeing a lot of movement from each. A few hours later, went back in to manually rotate the eggs again, and noticed a dark spot on one of them. Candled it and theres no movement at all. AT ALL. I separated him out from the others and put him in a different...
We are at day 16. This embryo was moving in the egg, but when I candled day 14 no movement. I traced the dark not moving spot in the egg on she'll with a pencil. It did not move or grow. The blood ring looked darker today
As I am trying to learn, I opened the egg the embryo was dead but I am...
Hi all!
12 posted duck eggs, 1 infertile, 3 with blood rings. 8 with eyes, a banana shaped body, veins, and a whole lot of movement. They all have been "swinging" back and forth a lot... (is this normal?).
We are at day ten. I am curious if the dangerous part of detached air cells has passed...
First up, this question is actually about cockatiel eggs. I haven't been able to find any information that seems like a match, and the development process is similar enough that I think there's a good chance you'd be able to help me out.
Cockatiel eggs take 18-21 days to hatch on average. I...
We recently had a huge tragedy with our home made incubator, it somehow managed to reach a temp of 118º and with my 5 pekin embryos in it I was sure they were all dead. Once I saw the temp that high I instantly brought them to door and sat them outside in the cold temp (30º) for a few minutes to...
We're eggpecting! I thought getting my first egg was eggciting but this really tops it all.. well until they start hatching I suppose :) ❤❤ (Currently at 3.5 days.)
This is not my video, just sharing something I saw and thought was intriguing. The settings on the posted video are set for share so here it is.
I was only researching the effects of float testing on the early stages of development, as hoping to learn if the float test does in fact, wash away...
So I recently got shipped chicken eggs and put them inside a circulated incubator (without a turner) and the left overs inside another incubator but with a turner and still-air. I found that some eggs more in the incubator with the turner had embryos (day 4) that were halfway into the air sack...
This is an explanation of what is happening each day as a chicken embryo develops, complete with candling pictures. The egg I am using is a silver spangled spitzhauben.
Definitions you may need:
Vitteline membrane: The membrane that surrounds the yolk and separates it from the white...