english orpington

  1. BuergsChickens

    Orpington Genetics/Breeding

    Okay, so I am new to chickens, or sort of, I am definitely new to breeding and genetics, I am obsessed with the orpingtons primarily (Marans and Ameraucana's are right up there as well) I've been doing a lot of research into genetics and I do have a basic understanding of genetics, though...
  2. Timbers Happy Hens

    English Orpington huge crop

    I have a silver laced English Orpington that has an absolutely ginormous crop. It’s empty every morning but she just refills it by the evening with an astronomical amount of food. It’s roughly the size of a softball. My question is, is it unhealthy for her to do this? Is this breed more prone to...
  3. Thorn_shrike

    Weird wing growth on Orpington chick?

    I got a couple Buff Orpington chicks from the feed store a week or so ago. They were supposed to be English Orpingtons but after the employee dumped them in the box he let me know that they were running low on the English and dumped American in there too 🙄. Anyway, I have a couple of questions...
  4. Capri111

    Need help identify English Orpington chick color

    I just hatched some English Orpington chicks and I had assumed they would all be solid black because the dad is a black silver birchen (though from the pics im not positive she's right) and the mothers are solid chocolates but I have ended up with 3 that are brownish in color. One is bright...
  5. Wendizzle

    13 Weeks English Orpington Roosters in Northern NY

    I have 5 english orpington roosters that are 13 weeks old right now and most of them are stunners already! Very friendly, gentle, and quiet. 3 blacks, 1 blue, 1 splash. I might be willing to let one or two of our girls go with (also 13 weeks) if you take all! Price/trade negotiable. We are...
  6. H

    English Orpington Gender?

    What do you think? Pullet or cockerel? 7 week old English Orpingtons. Are they all cockerels? They are feathering so slowly. 1. Lavender Cuckoo- largest wattles, pretty sure it’s a roo 2. Black - smallest and smallest, palest comb. Was the last to hatch (a day after the others). Also the slowest...
  7. Wangxian520

    English Orpington Chicks Hatched

    My Orpington chicks started to hatched. These are Black split Lavender Orpington and BBS Red Laced Orpington chicks from Papa's Poultry.
  8. Jamiebertone

    Cockerels - Old English Game Bantam, English Orpington, Silkie

    I have several cockerels available. $5 each. Covington Georgia. Willing to travel up to an hour for $10 per bird. Blue Splash English Orpington- 3 months Black Silkie - 3 months Lemon Blue Old English Game Bantam - month and a half Lemon Blue Spangled Old English Game Bantam - month and a half
  9. Jamiebertone

    Cockerels Available- English Orpington, Old English Game Bantam, and Silkie

    I have several cockerels available. $5 each. Covington Georgia. Willing to travel up to an hour for $10 per bird. Blue Splash English Orpington- 3 months Black Silkie - 3 months Lemon Blue Old English Game Bantam - month and a half Lemon Blue Spangled Old English Game Bantam - month and a half
  10. Jamiebertone

    Trouble in Paradise- Rooster Edition

    Question- I have had an English Orpington (so big) rooster with a silkie rooster (but a sassy one) and five large hens (eng orps and brahmas) free ranging for 4-5 months now. They’ve been fabulous and we’ve had zero issues. The silkie was about 7 months old when we introduced them and the eng...
  11. Starting Over the Dual Purpose Project

    Starting Over the Dual Purpose Project

    Starting over can be a hard thing to do. Remembering how far you came before can actually hinder you even more when you have to go back to the beginning. I found that I needed to do just that. My health was not great and I was finding that I needed to cut back in order to be able to still raise...
  12. Trimurtisan

    The Quack Shack

    Good morning folks of BYC! My name is Trimurtisan, but to keep it easy, just call me Trim. I did an introduction, but here's some more general information about myself and what's got me going quackers. I am a 36 year old father of eight, although only two of those happen to be human. We...
  13. Fallenone05

    English Orpington in Oklahoma

    Hello y'all! Feel free to point me in the right forum direction if this is in the wrong spot. I haven't used BYC in two years or so, so I'm a little confused on where to go now. Long story short, I moved to Florida, sold my birds, learned I hate Florida and will be moving back to South East...
  14. T

    Comparing Bone Qualities!!! Australorp Black Breed...

    I lifted and touched my aunt's buff orpington hens and light sussex hens yesterday. I observed this: Mediterranean females have much stronger breast bones than the English females. English females have much stronger back bones than the mediterranean ones. I wonder about this: May the black...
  15. HenniesInMyHeart

    Hennies In My Heart: Adventures In Chicken Math, Heritage/Rare Breeds Advocacy and Life In General!

    Well, here it is...I've finally done it! I've made a dedicated, open-ended topic which will become a journal of my adventures in Chook Land! I hope it proves interesting, and maybe even useful, but above all I hope to make new friends and revel in our shared passion for "feather puppies," as my...
  16. WRVgirl

    Mottled English Orpington Hatching Eggs

    12 eggs (or 10+ extras) whatever sounds better to you. The girls are laying their little butts off right now and we can’t hatch all of them for ourselves. All eggs come in egg padding and priority 1-3 day (depending on your location) I ship eggs mon-thurs only to ensure your eggs don’t take...
  17. serdman

    English orphington? Mottled orphington?

    Hello! I got this chick from a local farmer. She (or he) is about 18 weeks. Any ideas on breed?
  18. Machineryqueen

    Two English Orpingtons Black/iridescent roosters 4 mo. old, Toledo, OH area

    I have two English Orpingtons Roosters available. I currently have 4 roosters to 11 hens and not enough room. They are mainly black with green/purple iridescent feathers. Very pretty! Came from a breeder in Oregon.
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