
  1. Loving my girls

    HELP ! Marble in throat /esophagus advice please 🙏

    Hi, I have a hen (cendre) who had a partial moult in November. This was her first moult. It seemed to knock her for six and she hasn’t laid since October. I noticed today that she was wheezing so picked her up and had a look in her mouth. All looked fine. She hasn’t been sneezing, coughing or...
  2. L

    Thrush? Canker? Buildup in esophagus

    Hi All, I have a hen, details below, that I posted about recently (link to previous post here), because she was gasping for air while eating. See below for new developments... The Chicken: MABEL -2.5-3.5 years old -blue red laced Wyandotte -laying - very occasionally -bright red face and...
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