experimental breeding

  1. MysteryChicken

    (Mini Project #2.) Silver Shadow, breed.

    Hello, this is more of an experimental breed project. Birds for the project includes: Silver Duckwing OEGB/Mille Fleur D'uccle X Silkie rooster Cracker Hens(Red JungleFowl/American Game crosses)And a Black Sumatra hen. (Updated Picture Needed) (I may include a Silkie/CrackerFowl hen, I have...
  2. M

    Blue Wheaten French Marans crosses

    So I have a blue wheaten marans cockerel that I am thinking of crossing with a few of my hens. I've been able to find very little on Google about crosses. Does anyone have pictures of their blue wheaten Marans mixes? I'd love to see any and all pictures, but especially x crested cream legbar...
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