Hi! I have 4 young hens (about 3 months old) and my sisters noticed the other day that one of them had a reddish pimple near her eye. I was chilling with them today and her eyes had like a whitish pus/bubbly thing? I'll insert a picture. She's acting normally and eating like normal. Only weird...
We have a speckled sussex who has been acting weird for a few weeks. She hasn’t been showing many symptoms, but she has been distancing herself and changing her sleeping spots. Her wings have been a little droopy as well. Today we went down to their pen to find her laying down & the other hens...
Hi all,
Starting on the 11th, I noticed one of my Buff Orpingtons had been keeping her right eye shut and was less active than she used to be. Her eye looked fine at the time so I wasn't sure what was wrong exactly. I offered her extra water in case she was not drinking as much, and gave her...