
  1. JoanieShrubs

    Face skin roughness and swelling

    This lavender bantam Araucana has been in the breeding pen (it's summer here in Australia) and I just noticed her face skin is rough and swollen. Red, bumpy eyelids and the feather follicles on her neck are raised. I've pulled her indoors but not sure how to proceed as I don't know what's...
  2. J

    Hen has scabby head/swollen eyes

    Located South Carolina. One of our road island red hens has become very broody. She just hatched a big batch of bitties. Over this week she has been looking more and more rough. Her comb and face are ashy looking not bright red anymore, it looks like there may be some discoloration and scabbing...
  3. S

    Infection in hens face near ear?

    I noticed 4 days ago a small lump on one side of my 7 month old Blue Andelusion hen’s face. I went out of town, returned tonight. I went to check on her and it’s increased in size, and is affecting her ability to open her eye all the way. The other side of her face is completely normal. I...
  4. GoldenBlossoms

    Meet Shoto!

    Got some new baby chicks the other day but this one stood out the most. I don't think I have ever seen a Polish chick like it x3 Her/His name is Shoto lol
  5. Quacking ducks

    Injured duck

    I just got home from vacation and noticed that one of my duck’s face is a little swollen and the top of one of her nails is scraped “I think the hole top layer”. How can I help her? She is a lot calmer too which is a little odd for her. Any ideas? Thank you
  6. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    HELP! Facial swelling

    Hello! I have a Welsummer pullet (they are free range) that I just noticed today has some facial swelling on both sides. She is acting normal otherwise. Everyone else seems fine. Should I be concerned? It is to late tonight to get pictures, but I will in the morning. Thank you for your...
  7. C

    Flakey skin on face?

    My silkie, Aster, goes broody often. I notice she gets this white buildup around her face and her eyes get puffy and irritated if she stays in the coop too long. Any thoughts on what it is and how to treat? I do treat for mites 2xs year. Should I try vetrx?
  8. ninja333pirate

    Help with sick Broody hen.

    So I have a silkie I found yesterday that started with swollen eyes and some yellow gunk on the inside of the beak where the nares are. A few hours later the inside of the beak swelled up and the throat seems to be swollen too and she has mucus coming from her eyes and nose but it is not crusty...
  9. Nikkijo

    What is this? Eyes crust closed, ear hole swollen open , sores.

    This is unlike anything I have ever seen. At first I thought it was mites or sticktight fleas then fowl pox. I’m completely confused about this. I noticed 1 of my hens running into the fence when I checked her out both eyes were crusted closed, so i movEd her into a dog crate& applied neosporin...
  10. S

    HELP! my duck has clumps of mud on her face and her eyes are watering and red

    Im super worried about one of my ducks, she looks to be in really bad condition and i don't know what to do. She has feathers missing and one of her wings is drooping but the thing i'm most worried about is her face. Her eyes are red and watering and her face is covered in clumps of mud and poo...
  11. buckcluck

    Two pekin bantams with dry skin on one side of their face

    Cookie (the orange one) is an eleven year old pekin bantam. Her face is normally red. We noticed the dry skin on one side of her face a month ago and weren't sure what it was. It's built up since then and now is covering most of that side of face. The other side of her face is fine. We know...
  12. electriclights

    Canker? Growth on and in Roosters mouth.

    Hello, I need help identifying what I pulled out of my roosters face. I have a polish rooster who I noticed a week ago had a huge growth on his mouth. I don't know how long it had been there as he has a big old head of hair that hangs and covers most of his face. I separated him from the rest...
  13. Gonecluckingmad

    Injury? Infection? Worms? Help!

    Help! I'm at a loss on this one as I have never experienced it before. Half of my chickens face was swollen. I started with Vetericyn, then benadryl (1 dose), then Terramycin (7 days). It has been 11 days since the swelling started. It has decreased, but it's not gone. I pulled 'something'...
  14. UpstateMamma


    I have a 2 yo buff Orpington that has a swollen face around her right eye. It came on in a matter of hours, she was fine when I let them out in the morning yesterday, then in the afternoon it was swollen. I gave her .5ml children’s Benadryl yesterday, along with some antibiotic ointment on the...
  15. SheenaBee

    What is this? Don’t think it’s pox...

    I have one hen that has an odd ‘growth’ on her face. It’s been there since last fall but is slowly increasing in size. It looks like some of the pics I’ve seen of fowl pox, but it’s only 1 lesion and has had such slow growth that I don’t think that it could be. No other symptoms and the lesion...
  16. HopeMartin

    Lump on Chicken's Face

    Noticed this lump on her face yesterday. It's firm. Couldn't tell if it's hot (it's very hot outside). Other eye is fine and she's eating, drinking and acting fine otherwise. Haven't seen her poop today though. Any suggestions on what it could be? Her eye isn't cloudy at all. The second pic...
  17. The Rouenator

    Ducklings like heights?

    Hey all I have 4 (5) day old rouen ducklings. They like to climb up onto my chest and are very curious about my face. I wonder if this is normal? Also they seem to like heights like my shoulder which makes me nervous that they could fall and get hurt. Anyone else's fowl do this?
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