
  1. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    What's the best thing about Black Copper Marans?!

    🍫Hello!!! I found a really nice looking pair of Black Copper Marans hens on Kijiji today, and I'm very exited! :frow:pop:p:p🥰 They seem like a very amazing breed, and this is a great deal! So now, I'm wondering the unknown amazing things this breed has, but are mostly unspoken of by "breed...
  2. N

    1. Do I need to give 1.5 week old chicks grit? 2. What can I do to make my chicks less bored.

    1. they are pushing two weeks old at this point. (rhode island reds) I haven't given them any grit and they seem fine. Can I make my own grit/can they find it themselves? 2. They seem bored in the brooder. I want to give them something to do. (I'd be bored out of my mind if I were in there so...
  3. H

    Rhode Island Red basic questions

    My family is thinking about getting some Rhode Island reds for eggs. I’ve got a couple basic questions: 1) I know some breeds differ from others in their foraging behaviors. Do the reds eat the garden, or are they pretty garden friendly. Would I need to protect my garden or just let them roam...
  4. Girly White Silkie

    Chicken books and where to buy them

    I got a Your Chicken magazine and I was interested for books and I don't know it's online or not, do you know what shop have chicken books?
  5. Girly White Silkie

    What activities can a chicken go active?

    I saw some videos of chickens doing dog tricks and running, is there any active activities for chickens?:rolleyes:
  6. Girly White Silkie

    Can chickens eat other food than seeds and corn?

    I saw a video of chickens eating chicken nuggets and I thought "Do chickens eat chickens?"o_O
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