farm animals

  1. Fangeddeer

    Looking for a female duck or ducklings (California)

    Hello, l’ve been desperate for a female egg laying duck, or some pretty babies. not interested in Perkins since i already have a mixed one, and I adore mixed ducks. (Purebred is fine) I can buy under $30 but I prefer lower id prefer them to be able to be dropped off but depending on how far you...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Dream animals

    I realize a lot of people on here probably already have a farm and/or farm animals but if you don’t, what are some animals you eventually want? Or even if you do, what do you want next? This is just for FUN/DREAMING and NOT to go buy right now lol Although if you are able to and have the...
  3. HensAndFriends

    Copper Deficiency: Fishtail?

    Hey again! So, my goats have Manna Pro Goat Mineral available in two locations in their enclosure 24/7….. Is this tail exhibiting fishtail? His coat is a bit rougher than my other goats’, which he has had ever since I got him. Also, whenever I pet him my hand has hairs on it. Finally, he and my...
  4. ShrekDawg

    Goat Thread!

    Who has goats!? Feel free to share them!! Pictures, stories, etc. and any breed welcome! Maybe state your favorite breed(s) too if you want!
  5. V

    Duck needs a home!

    Hey guys! I have a male pekin duck that is a one year old. I am located in NY. Unfortunately, I cannot keep him. All the sanctuaries I have contacted in NY and surrounding tristate areas say they are at max capacity. If you know anyone that is able to take him in please let me know! I have been...
  6. V

    Need a home for a male duck ASAP!

    Hey guys! I have a male pekin duck that is a one year old. I am located in NY. Unfortunately, I cannot keep him. All the sanctuaries I have contacted in NY and surrounding tristate areas say they are at max capacity. If you know anyone that is able to take him in please let me know! I have been...
  7. R

    New member :] Hello from PA ♡

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes and No! I helped my mom take care of hers occasionally growing up and now that I have my own land I have raising some myself ♡ (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Way too many to count. I have 45ish show chickens just in...
  8. oneportuguesefarm

    Hatching for the first time and on stream....

    First of all, I'd like to make clear that Im not trying to advertise my stream or anything. I actually need advice/help. Background: I have a small farm with 1 goat, 3 pigs, a few ducks, geese, and 10-20 chickens. This year I decided to buy an automatic incubator to hatch some chickens instead...
  9. TimberLine Homestead

    Anyone out there who has Turkeys🦃🦃

    HI! :welcome I love this site and all the information. I would like to know if there is anyone who has turkeys. I have a one male and one female Royal Palm Turkeys👏. (I will not be butchering them I bought them to be able to breed and sell)I would like to hear about your guys turkeys how you...
  10. C

    My Naked Neck Chick

    I have a naked neck chick that is a month old. She is as old as the rest of the chicks, but she is pecked on. I walked into there area, and she had a deep gash on her neck. I put her into the ducks area, and the next day I put her back into the chicken area. She went to go get food, and they bit...
  11. tacothechicken

    Pigeons & poultry flock updates and stories!

    Ok so I figure since everyone I know always wants stories on my birds I might as well start a thread here where all ye chicken lovers reside! This will be about all my birds from ducks, chickens and pigeons, to small notes and interactions with my other animals. Dogs, goats, cats etc. Along with...
  12. CaliFarmsAR

    Show off any Pets,Farm animals!!

    I would love to see if this will be the longes post and you can show off your pets and farm animals. This is my drake. Here is my rooster Strutter.
  13. Elvis Chris

    AM a new member am here to help farmers

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? am not new to chickens and i have been with chicken for decades (2) How many chickens do you have right now? currently i have 500 broilers (3) What breeds do you have? i rear ross 308 and cobb 500 (4) What are your favorite...
  14. NubbyRyuu

    Zombie Goats?

    There's been this thing in the news lately spreading like wildfire called Zombie Deer Disease, aka Chronic Wasting Disease. It says only deer, elk, and moose get this, but it has me thinking. Deer and Goats are kinda similar (mostly the browsing thing), but I do get deer that travel through my...
  15. NubbyRyuu

    Turmeric for Goats?

    Bit of an odd question, but this stems from what my goat is going through. So long story short, starting a few months ago, Jordi started peeing red. I called the vet who came down to look at her and do an ultrasound (which she wasn't still for at all; you need an army to hold this goat, and...
  16. NubbyRyuu

    Handsome Boi

    Just sharing some images of Slim, who appears to be a Swedish Flower Hen Rooster Mix.
  17. Karrie82

    New chicken mom

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? New to chickens, got them new year's eve their catch date was 12/26 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 but wanting at least 6 more (3) What breeds do you have? Once Americona,2 buffs and 2 Rhode island reds (4) What are...
  18. ScreamingRoosterFarm


    Hello everyone! From the ScreamingRoosterFarm. New to backyard chicken. Have about 15 hens and 6 roosters. 7 ducks. We own a small farm. Learning and growing everyday.
  19. P

    Buff Orpington picking on Rhode Island Red!

    Hello, My Buff Orpington is picking on my Rhode Island Red! My flock only consists of these two chickens. Do you guys have any suggestions? Should I get another chicken? And if so, what breed? Please reply as soon as possible with any ideas.
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