Hi I'm new to this and I'm sorda a new duck mom she will be 1 in march.and a rooster mom he is hitting 5 months old now.my question is my duck shady imprinted on me and she was always my baby .when she got old enough I let her stay outside and I got a baby rooster to protect her.she never had a...
Im Having an issue with a rooster, i have to admit he was froma farmer who bread fighting cocks and when i got him he was blind in one eye, eventually one of my mother hens died, and when i went to recover the chicks she left, they had already settled with the fighting cock, he basically was the...
Hello runner duck owners,
We recently adopted three runner ducks who were aged between 1.5 and 2 months when we got them. They've been with us for three weeks.
They were and still are very frightened of people and try to run and hide at the slightest advance. Maybe after three weeks it's a...
We have a hen (brahma) who has been acting strange the last couple days. She stays in the coop and makes a very concerning sound (like a yell or scream) whenever I or another chicken approaches. I’ve considered that she’s just guarding the eggs, but I’m honestly concerned that it’s more...
Iam new to raising turkeys , I have raised chickens as pets with great success , however I plan to sell my turkeys for meat . For some reason I have developed a fear that somehow I may feed my turkeys something that may harm a human apon consumption..... am I overthinking ? Thinking wayyyy to...
I have 2 frizzles hens that are about 3-4 months old now. They have a coop and a 5' x 8' run out into the yard.
When they were little would hold them and they were fine. Now that they are older they absolutely freak out anytime I even come into the yard. If I enter the coop or chick run to...
I have a silkie about 2 or three months old. She started limping and looks worse. Then better now worse again. She has no eye issues, a runny nose, maybe labored breathing but that could also be fear or pain. Only one bad leg, she seems to use the wing of the bad leg only to balance but falls...
I searched "thunderstorm" and didn't find any forum discussion about this problem. My flock numbers around 30, 2-month-old mostly pullets in a large (500 sq. ft.) stationery house. The house is divided into four rooms with multiple perches and feeding/watering stations. Even though the weather...