fertilized chicken eggs

  1. Brianna245

    Is this a fertilized “”bullseye” on the yolk?

    I’ve been keeping an eye on if my almost six month old rooster has been successful in fertilizing the eggs, he’s been “active” but still on the young side. Here is an hour old egg I have cracked open, looks like a bullseye to me, but I’m not very experienced having a rooster yet, and getting...
  2. D

    How to avoid a fertilized egg from incubating/hatching

    Hi y'all! New chicken mama in search of advice! Silly question but my eggs will end up being fertile because I have a rooster. I know it takes 21 days of incubation before hatching but I want to avoid any type of incubation/developing more at all. How do you MAKE SURE that the egg does not...
  3. C

    MyPetChicken is a scam - do not buy from them

    Horrible experience with MyPetChicken. Zero out of 13 eggs hatched and the company wanted to offer 50% discount off another order of overly priced unfertilized eggs. The entire experience and communication with the company screams SCAM. I had a charge back issued via my credit card company...
  4. L

    Rooster separated from hens?

    Hi everyone! So here is my dilemma, I live with my parents while going to college and I have 4 younger siblings all under 8. We used to own a rooster that was friendly enough, but he'd attack the kids when they got close to him which made them never want to go outside when he was around. I...
  5. TheMrsChick

    Chicken + Rooster = Chick

    I’m brand new to this part of raising chickens. We’ve only had hens in the past so having a rooster is a brand spankin new adventure. None of this years chicks (11 new girls, total) have started laying yet (we got them at 1 day old on March 29th) but they will be soon. The one of two...
  6. urbangardengirl

    Broody hen gets to be a 1st time mama!

    I have 4 hens, all about two years old; two Buff Orpingtons and two Blacked-Barred Rocks. They are all quite sweet and get along great. One of my Orpingtons goes broody very easily and will not be deterred. Last year was my first year experiencing this and with a lot of constant interaction with...
  7. SaraKallus

    Looking for Polish Frizzle eggs

    Hi everyone! I’m dying to get myself a few POLISH FRIZZLES!! I’m dreaming, searching, asking around with no luck. They are nowhere to be found in this part of the world. 😢 Please, all you Polish Frizzle breeders out there. Who’s prepared to go through the hassle of sending fertilized eggs all...
  8. 80sChick

    The Best All Around Incubator?

    Hi all! We just moved from Alaska to Minnesota, and we are FINALLY able to have chickens again! YAYYYY!! Because of the shortage of the breeds in the major online websites, I am going to buy fertilized eggs and try to hatch them. I also may have 2 Sebastopol goose eggs that are coming from a...
  9. Colesrogers

    Strange egg

    One of our hens was sick and didn’t lay for about a week. This egg was in the nesting box (our eggs are fertilized). The shell was very thin and broken and this was inside. I don’t know if it was from the sick hen or a new layer that shares the same coop because it was so small and a lighter...
  10. Colesrogers


    Ok I’m new so I just want to double check.... top is fertilized, bottom is not? (Bottom has not been exposed to rooster so I know it isn’t fertilized)
  11. A

    Finding Local Eggs to Incubate

    Just asking around if anyone has fertilized eggs (particularly silkies) around in Ventura County in California?
  12. IteachKinder

    Need 2 DZ Chicken Eggs In Los Angeles Area

    Hi, I'm a teacher and we need 2 dozen fertilized chicken eggs somewhere near the Los Angeles area. We had eggs reserved but they were eaten by rats and now we can't find any eggs. If you are selling eggs and are somewhat local, please let me know. We need the eggs ASAP! Thanks! Gena
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