Chicken newbie here and I currently have a small flock of 4 hens and 1 rooster. All hens are laying consistently :D
I have 6 EEs & 4 Silkies going on 5 weeks. Their brooder is an extra large unused dog house, secured with chicken wire in the opening. They can see the outdoors and the other...
So we're in the middle of torrential rain. I went out to check the ducks and one of the girls has wedged her head through the avery wire fence and got herself stuck (she had to be determined because it's a small mess).
I managed to get her out but she could have been like that for hours. Her...
What do you like to keep on hand for first aid?
My chicken specific right now consists of:
"Rooster Booster" wound wash
"Rooster Booster" Poultry Cell (expires June 2021)
MannaPro Hen Healer Ointment
Generic items in my house include Hydrogen Peroxide, pet bandage wraps, and gauze.
I like to...
I want to make or make or buy a chicken first aid kit. I never really had a sick chicken. But I'm a worrier. I would like to have one with chicken antibiotics. Any other first aid things that come in handy. What do I need for a good one!
Hello BYC friends!
We are about to receive our 6 week old pullets that my good friend @Rachel Taylor raised from fluff balls for us! To say we are excited would be a huge understatement. We have been reading and researching nonstop and I am fairly sure we are set and ready to go. I am running...
Hi everyone! I'm eagerly awaiting my first flock of chickens (Chicks coming in April). In the mean time I wanted to see if there are any first aid supplies that you all keep on hand? I want to make a first aid kit in case anything goes wrong. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I am still new at raising backyard chickens and learning more every day, this community has been such a valuable resource for me and a true gift of loving, caring, knowledgeable, and helpful people as I have tried navigating raising my small flock of backyard chickens. I truly...
I'm shopping online for various chicken first-aid items.
I'm looking into getting a syringe and feeding tube just in case I would ever need to force feed one of the chickens some nutrients. Someone showed how easy it was to aspirate your chicken by dumping liquids into their mouths because of...