flock additions

  1. H

    Duck Fight! Who is to blame and what should I do? Video and explanation in the post!

    this is my intro post i copied and pasted it here since it gives some background.. as does the description box on the video Hello, I have taken over the care of my elderly parents ducks. They have three female ducks and One drake/One Female pair. The female living with the drake was broody last...
  2. Muser

    Ducks and Chickens co-existing

    I have no idea why I'm asking this, I don't intend on ever keeping ducks, but I do keep chickens :D They seem to share each other's space quite well. I was wondering: Do ducks, like chickens, have a pecking order for their species? Do ducks and chickens, when they exist in the same space, have...
  3. P

    How to keep male goose away from ducks eggs

    I have 4 female silver apple yard ducks since last year, they've been laying 4 eggs total everyday no problem (except winter some less, of course). This spring I got a male American buff goose and a female Pekin duck, they're 3 months old now, we raised them together. We slowly integrate them to...
  4. Q

    Hello from Central Delaware!

    Hello everyone! I'm Lindsay and I'm in Delaware... Home of the blue chickens (lol) I have 5 ducks as of now... Last week I had 4.... I have 2 year old male and female Khaki Campbells, a female Rouen and a female Cayuga/Pekin cross... And then last week, I went into the pen to feed the crew...
  5. S

    Odd eggs - help I can't find the answer

    I'm fairly new to chickens but recently our eggs seemed to have changed. I've spent time on here and elsewhere trying to find the answer but I'm at a loss. Our main flock of 6 hens (1.5yrs) recently grew with an addition of a new roo and two silkie hens. Everything seemed great for a couple...
  6. N

    Adding females to 2 male ducks

    I have 2 male Pekín ducks. I want to add 3-4 females since they sometimes mount each other. A while ago I tried to add some ducklings to them 2, but they attacked them. If I add 2 adult females, is there a better chance of getting along?
  7. N

    2 male ducks, can I add females?

    I have 2 male ducks that sometimes try to mount each other. I want to get a few females, probably 3-4. These two males previously attached 2 ducklings that I tried to add to the flock. If I add adult females, will that be better?
  8. jollygreen23

    Splitting up males/females -- Goslings arriving soon!

    We have recently moved and are rebuilding our flock from scratch. Our plan is to have two flocks of chickens, each with a male and female goose for protection. We also want a separate flock of just geese. We've ordered: 5 female goslings, 2 male goslings, and 3 unsexed goslings, plus all of our...
  9. C

    Integrating new hens or keeping a separate flock for my second rooster

    I have a flock of 12 hens and 2 roosters. They are all roughly 8 months old. One of the roosters is clearly dominant. The other spends his day on the outskirts of the flock or with the occasional hen if they can find privacy. The only time he seems to have much company is in the evening when 3-4...
  10. ElGoose

    Adding brahma roosters and Muscovy ducks to my goose flock?

    My first post outside of the goose forum! So this week we will be taking on some new birds, we are getting one adult brahma male and 2 younger males plus 4 young Muscovy ducks. We have only ever handled geese before so this will be very new to us! Any advice is incredibly welcome. We don’t...
  11. sophi3

    Trying to make a hen broody after flock deaths?

    Recently had a fox attack that killed 2/3 of our hens - we've had one in years past but it didn't leave any survivors so am unsure how to care for this poor lonely traumatised hen. We do however want to get back to our usual egg rates as soon as is possible without stressing her out, and last...
  12. Sliiiq

    Questions about Swapping a Rooster?? :(

    Hello, second ever post here. I’ve got three chickens, and they’re about 9 weeks old. After realizing I had a cockerel, I wanted to make sure neither of my other ones were as well. Now comes the issue of swapping him (he seems to be the top of the pecking order, considering my hens follow him...
  13. Chicken6000

    Assistance needed on how and when to Introduce new hens to a flock.

    I currently own 1 Rooster (Breed N/A), & 1 Hen (Black Japanese Bantam) They are around 3-4 Months old. Me and my family are looking into introducing and adding more hens to the little group! Currently, we are only able to add 5 new hens. Now here are my questions, How should I introduce them...
  14. chicken mother

    Can I incorporate Geese into my small duck flock?

    I have 5 ducks. 4 welsh harlequins (one is male) and 1 silver appleyard. They’re 2 years old. I want to get two female goslings and introduce them to the ducks once they’re big enough but not too big. I also have a polish chicken who stays with the ducks, which might also be a problem. I keep my...
  15. B

    Can Polish be put with other chickens?

    I was thinking of getting at least one Silver Laced Polish to go in my new flock but was wondering if it was safe since they’re so skittish? The new flock so far has a Welsummer, a Dominicker, a Rhode Island Red, and an Easter Egger. I don’t want to get a Polish and have it be tortured by the...
  16. J

    1 surviving chicken after dog attack - how long can she be alone?

    A dog came into my property, broke into the chicken coop and killed 4 out of 5 of my hens ( 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Cream Leg Bars). Our Buff Brahma survived. She was the bottom chicken in the pecking order and does not have an independent personality. She hasn’t left the coop yet after the attack 2...
  17. P

    Cockerels for sale - very friendly - great pets

    I have a pair of cockerels about 12 weeks old. They are mixed with easter eggers, australorps and black marans…but they look more like black marans...very attractive. They have been handled regularly. They get along well and have been together since birth. They are even a bit comical...
  18. Sandwitch

    What backyard breeds would be best for us?

    Hello! I’m trying to get a good sense of what breeds of chicken might work out best for our situation. We actually got chickens for pest control with our horses. The egg laying has just been a good bonus. Right now we have 11 chickens (started out with 15) two of which are roosters. Current...
  19. S

    Thanks for letting me join your community

    My husband and I have a 4 hens and 1 rooster. I’m brand new to this, he had some when he was growing up. Just like our 4 dogs I’m getting the majority of the responsibility as he finds a new project or “toy” 😊 We purchased our flock from Tractor Supply about 7 months ago and the state we are in...
  20. E

    Hen rejected by flock

    Hi! I recently rescued a chicken from a coworker who was attacked by her flock. She had a horrible wound on the back of her head but pulled through and is healed up now. I wanted to try to slowly reintroduce her to the flock but my coworker doesn't want her back. She is the sweetest thing, she...
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