I have 5 chickens and used to have 3 Muscovy ducks. Recently, one of my ducks died after being attacked by an animal, and another flew away, seemingly disappearing off of the face of this earth. Now I only have 1 duck. We’ve been searching for her sister for the past 3 days but with no luck...
Aloha from Hawaii-
We have had one Roo and one hen after losing our second hen to a neighborhood dog about 6 months ago.
They are aprox 1 year old.
Since losing one hen, the Roo and remaining hen started wanting to sleep outdoors on top of the coop.
They then started sleeping on the neighbors...
So I have a small flock, if you can consider it a flock, it was 4 strong but I lost 2 over the past couple months, the two left are well established and healthy, I bought three pullets sometime ago and I’m trying to ease them into the main run and coop, they have a section that’s cornered off so...
I have a case of bullying but it seems abnormal.
My hen Millie has been the bottom of the pecking order her whole life and is very submissive. We added five pullets this summer and she was mean to them, but I finally got them integrated and everything was fine.
Yesterday out of nowhere we...
Hey there! I have quite a few chickens and I was thinking about taking a couple out at a time to clean up the garden etc but I wanted to know how long a chicken can be away from its flock before they have to be re introduced? All my girls would be rotated out in pairs to clean up the garden...
I have a question about mixing a flock and also what to expect from a roo (or two).
Currently, we have 2 Embden geese (f). We also have 2 mallard drakes and a Rouen female, which wasn't intentional or ideal. We are going to expand next year. Flock size, pen, and water pools/pond. 2 more geese...
I was thinking of getting at least one Silver Laced Polish to go in my new flock but was wondering if it was safe since they’re so skittish? The new flock so far has a Welsummer, a Dominicker, a Rhode Island Red, and an Easter Egger. I don’t want to get a Polish and have it be tortured by the...
Two of our hens have stopped laying eggs completely. They haven’t laid in over a year, they are two of the oldest in our flock. The rest in the birds in our flock have been attacking both of them like crazy, like they have been rejected from the flock. We had to separate both of them for...
Hi! I recently rescued a chicken from a coworker who was attacked by her flock. She had a horrible wound on the back of her head but pulled through and is healed up now. I wanted to try to slowly reintroduce her to the flock but my coworker doesn't want her back. She is the sweetest thing, she...
Hi all,
Does anyone have experience with Light Brahma roosters and kids that they can share? I’d like to know how well they can get along with kids if they are raised with them. I have heard Brahma roosters tend to be gentle and people friendly but I‘m wondering how often they are well behaved...
Hi all,
We have a flock of about 75 chickens, a few different breeds. Maybe 12 of them are about 2 years old, and the rest are a year to year and a half.
We had consistently been getting 50-60 eggs a day for many months, but over the last 4 months or so this has dropped to an average of 24...
So I have three Pullets in an enclosure within my chicken run, to try to acclimate them to my older flock.
My flock usually free range, however, I wanted them to get to know their new flock mates, instead of avoiding them, when they free range.
My question is this: How long can I expect to...
dog crate
flock additions
flockbehaviorflock chat
introducing chickens
new addition
new additions to flock
pullets and hens
I’ve integrated new chickens several times without issue. What is going on with this batch?! This was a small hatch of just two—one BC Marans rooster & one hopefully olive egger hen (maransXamerucana). They are about 2 months old & I delayed putting them in the coop because of extreme heat...
Hello! Sorry for the long post. I will try to use bullet points to make it easier to follow.
We have a flock of 7, one drake and six gals. Frank (our drake) is a HUGE Pekin. We have a Pekin hen (Maggie) two Cayugas, a Blue Swedish, and two Golden 300 Hybrids.
- Frank and Maggie (Pekins) are...
Good Morning BYC! We rolled the dice and got 4 silkie chicks this year...and now it is looking like only 1 is a pullet. It is still early - they could surprise me. I did a separate post and had some input from the community about them.
So, the question is....how many pullets per roo is...
I am looking for some advice. Not sure how to handle my rooster, so I will explain the situation and ask for thoughts.
I have a flock of 33 hens and one rooster. I have rehoused two hens and likely will rehouse 2 more for spacing and because food is expensive. I have tried to rehouse the...
Im planning on raising calls and I plan on getting 10 2 males and 8 females would this make a healthy flock and I live in nc so weather is always changing
First post, so please bear with me.
A few weeks back after much research I finally jumped into the backyard fowl and got 5 Muscovy who are now 8 weeks old. These are a complete first for me, I've never had ducks or chickens before. As nature would have it I ended up with three drakes and two...
Back in April i decided that my sweetheart pet goose Peggy was lonely and needed a companion thanks to the help of some people on this site. I ended up getting a young gander named Reggie along with two little ducks and they have their own area with a pond. Things were fine until around August...
I need some advice about what to do about a new rooster attacking an older hen. Here's the coop scoop :)
I had two Auracana hens that are about 4. I purchased six chicks in February. Two of each: Easter Eggers, Buff Orppingtons and Silkie Bantams. All guaranteed to be hens except for silkies...