freedom ranger

  1. M

    Questions from a first-timer (Freedom Ranger/Kosher King)

    Hi everyone, I'm new here, and we're preparing to start our chicken journey this summer. We're going with meat chickens - likely Freedom Rangers and Kosher Kings - and will have them on pasture as much as possible. A few questions in planning out our adventure: - Timing: Part of our objective...
  2. Artichoke Lover

    Questions about Freedom Ranger breed.

    I’ve been day dreaming about raising meat chickens. And after doing a little research Freedom Rangers sound like a good fit since I’d like a fairly quick time to harvest and the ability to free range but I have some questions and concern. #1. Do they breed true I haven’t been able to find any...
  3. jessivogel

    Red Ranger- Fermented Feed & Fodder Experiment

    We ordered 125 male red ranger chicks from Freedom Ranger Hatchery, Inc and received 128 today (June 18, 2020). ALL alive and well. Chicks were shipped a day earlier than expected- so we did a little moving around of the older chicks. I want to use this thread to document the progress, but...
  4. zebradreams07

    Ranger breeding project

    I know I'm not the first person to have this idea, so before I dive in and go full crazy chicken lady (I'm already the crazy goat lady!) I'd love to hear from people who have attempted breeding Rangers before - from whichever proprietary line. What were your goals, what worked or didn't, what's...
  5. C

    Freedom Ranger Outside Temperatures

    Hello! I’m currently raising Cornish Cross chickens and would like to try out Freedom Rangers for my Fall chickens. I am located in NJ, and I pasture-raise my birds in chicken tractors. My question is, what temperatures can the Freedom Rangers withstand? These would be ready for processing in...
  6. Rolleigirl

    Local Feed Store Order - Easter Eggers?

    Hi All! A month ago I placed an order at my local feed store for 5 cornish x rock cross meat birds, 3 freedom ranger meat birds, and 2 Ameraucuna Pullets (‘easter eggers’). Today was the big day to pick them up! They had them boxed and ready to go when I arrived and because of Corona there was...
  7. danpeters9497

    Fast growth rate.

    So looking into meat birds I have obviously come across the ever present cornish cross. Which seem to be a Cornish and Plymouth rock? Not sure if that's right or not. Either way where do the fast growth genes come from? I've seen the multiple different ranger breeds that also have a relatively...
  8. Eggspecto-patronum

    Homeschool project chicks oklahoma city

    I want to get chicks from 2 separate hatcheries in 3 'breeds' and take notes and pictures and chart each chicks progress. I cant buy 45 chicks. Lol. I have 3 people wanting about 5 of them each so i would have 15 extra. Would anyone like to go in on chicks in Oklahoma city? :) Breeds are...
  9. C

    Cornish Cross and Red Rangers or Freedom Rangers raised together?

    We have a small backyard in the city of Dallas, TX. I have 6 layers that are roughly 2 months old. I want to try and raise some meat chickens. My husband agreed to 5 and no more...maybe. We have friends in the country who raise Cornish Cross to sell. They are raised in tractors moved everyday...
  10. EggMan207

    Is this a red ranger???

    I bought a mix of Jumbo Cornish X and Red Rangers. This one has a quite different color pattern... Is it a red ranger? If not, what is it? Did the feed store get them mixed up or is it just a different colored bird? (One of the pics is a normal red ranger)
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