Out of my sixteen pullets, I thought my cinnamon queens would lay first and buff orpingtons would lay last. (I have cinnamon queens, buff orpingtons, easter eggers, silver laced black wyandotte, delaware.) However, today i received my first egg from (I'm pretty sure) one of my buff orpingtons...
I know it's still a little early as my chickens are about 11.5 weeks old. However, out of 17 of my chickens, I believe one of my easter eggers to be a rooster because he/she is the only one of them with a three row comb. I can't figure out saddle feathers and he/she is still growing them. What...
Ok, so, crazy long time since my last post on here considering the amount of chicken drama I’ve had, but gosh it has been CRAZY.
Probably I’m going to be back on here asking for advice about these guys very, very soon, but first I’m just gonna introduce them! I’m very happy that this site...