
  1. H

    How to prevent frostbite??

    this winter is going to be the coldest it’s been for these hens and I’ve just built a new coop that doesn’t have all the good stuff my old one did. The insulation was half done since I had to put construction on pause when the snow came in and there are even still holes in the roof from where...
  2. Z

    Chicken, lethargic and mobility problems

    Recently I created a thread about Sunny ( but I think creating another will garner more attention as she needs further help and I'm not sure what I can do for her at this point. She is a seventh month...
  3. G

    Sudden knob color change - frostbite?

    The knob was black in the morning. After coming back from work, I saw the spot on its knob as in the photo. Did the goose suffer from frostbite? What should I do? (The vet won't be back for a while.)
  4. S

    HELP*** Frostbite or normal?

    my 8 month old speckled Sussex has black spots on the bottom of her feet and up onto her legs. She is in good health, but molting currently by her neck. Never noticed these spots before. Unsure of what they are/cause but nervous of frostbite with the weather we’ve been having. None of my other 5...
  5. Clemmy

    My Hens feet are deteriorating! Help!

    I have been having this problem for a while now. my easter egger hen has been limping for a few months know and both of her feet have gone completely limp. I have tried giving her vitamins and other medicine but I'm afraid they have not made a difference. Today I noticed that one of her toes is...
  6. Mini-Daisy

    HELP! frostbite pox or something else ??

    My laying hen Mini had some grayish spots on her comb this morning when I checked on her and the other chickens. Her behavior is as normal, eating and drinking well talkative as always so her behavior showed no signs of any problem,but the color of her comb is worrying me. It has gotten...
  7. NorthernChick1

    Seeking help from Northern Members on cold weather flock management!

    I live in northern Ontario (Canada) where our winters average around -20C (-4f) and wonder how BYC members deal and manage there flock with this type of cold weather throughout the winter. There are many methods such as having a heat lamp set up all winter long (scared to have a power outage...
  8. H

    My chicken hasn't moved in a week. Frostbite?

    My hen was outside a week or two ago during one of the coldest weeks of the year. The cold has never bothered any of my hens before and they love to free range in the grass. Unfortunately, it had been below freezing for a couple days and I believe my chicken may have gotten frostbite. I first...
  9. Soleil_A

    Frostbite on legs?

    hi, I just got a new chicken. I’m not sure what breed she is, but I will post pictures in the morning. I took a look at her feet, and they were kinda black and one of her toes in pretty much hanging from a thread. Her nails are really long, too. Like I said before, I will take pictures in the...
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