
  1. Trouble in Parasites: Natural Wormers

    Trouble in Parasites: Natural Wormers

    Introduction Having a healthy flock is a priority of poultry owners everywhere, whether your birds are pets, livestock, showstock or somewhere in between; we all want happy and robust birds. There's no one-size-fits-all method of chicken keeping but basic rules that can be customized to your...
  2. Dfarago

    Onions and garlic for deterrent

    I’ve heard that onions and garlic are natural pest control against bugs and rodents in a garden. But has anyone ever grown it around a poultry pen to prevent critters who shouldn’t be in there? Could this work? Would it negatively affect the poultry in the pen?
  3. S

    Can chicken have fire tonic?

    Hi all, I'm making fire tonic for my family and was curious if it would be good for my hens. Ingredients are onions, garlic, ginger root, horseradish root, Turmeric root. Hot peppers (habenero, Serrano, & fresno) and Apple cider vinegar. After it sits in a half gallon mason jar for 2 weeks you...
  4. Joyness

    Garlic ~ in water or fed raw and how much?

    Hello! I was wondering how much garlic you put in your chickens water and how frequently? Also... is it better to feed them crushed garlic rather than putting it in their water? Thanks!
  5. T

    Is garlic everday too much

    I crush garlic cloves, 3 cloves per gallon water. This goes into my chicken's waterer. I plan on giving this to chickens throughout there entire lifespan, from birth to death. I also plan on giving them garlic powder in a 2% ratio as the website fresh eggs daily recommended. My question is, will...
  6. rossi.chicks

    New Chick Owner - Sick Americauna

    Ok, so I'm a BRAND NEW chick mama. Never before owned an animal that was not a dog, cat, or fish! Our first day in we lost one of our 10 Buff Orpington's. Tiny was about 1 week old and it was traumatizing for me. 6 hours after getting her home she just died...I think she was stressed from her...
  7. belindaschicks

    Bantam ate silica gel packet beads

    My bantam ate silica packet gel beads. I don't know if I should be worried or not. I have lots of water and fresh greens to hopefully flush them out. Any thoughts on what may happen? Or what I should do?
  8. T

    my hen ate a whole garlic! what's the consequences?

    my hen ate a whole garlic! What wil hapen? what's the consequences? Is there something i can do? It's not fatal right?
  9. Casper417


    I have a silkie cockeral with mites i have treated him with 'poultry lice and mite powder' and that has reduced the amount of mites but i am struggling to completely clear the mites, they are mainly on the top of his head so he his shaking his head alot. Also The rabbit that he lives with has...
  10. M

    Worms and garlic

    Hey guys, just a question, I know garlic can help with protecting against worms for the chicken but can it help prevent them from incubating and living in the poo if I was to make a garlic spray and spray their bedding and coop?
  11. L

    Improving Garden Soil?

    Hi! I've sectioned off a large area of land that I'm adding manure, compost, and other scraps to daily. I mix it, till it, etc. Recently, I planted some garlic, and it appeared to be growing fine, with green shoots growing a centimeter a week. About two months later, the entire stalk wilted. I...
  12. Chick2chicken

    Garlic water

    Hello, I was thinking of putting some garlic in my 4 girls water as a worm preventation, has anyone ever done this? Does it work? How much garlic should I put in the water? Thanks Chick2chicken
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