gender 3 weeks

  1. S

    Any guesses on gender of these little ones? 25-day old chicks

  2. L

    Ŵhat gender or breed?

    Hi I have 5 chicks and no clue the breed or gender. They are 3 weeks and because I don't know what breeds I'm finding it hard to sex them. I'm not allowed to keep cockerels so would love to know ASAP so I can find them homes. Here are some pictures, I have numbered each chick from 1-5 TIA
  3. C

    Can someone help me with sexing and colours please?

    Hi there, so 3 weeks ago I hatched 7 beautiful chicks for the first time. Is it possible to tell the gender and colour type from my pictures or is it still too early? (Also everything I find on the white one has a black dot on the back of its head from birth. This one was pure yellow and only...
  4. Hopelives07

    Another roo or hen question...

    This little guy or girl blue sapphire chick is stumping me. I initially thought it was a guy because of feathers but he doesn't have white dot on his head or in his wing feathers. Can anyone shed a little light on how to tell? They about 2 weeks approximately.
  5. CloneFly

    Time for the guessing game!

    So... despite having added 8 chicks to our flock back in April bringing us to a total of 20, chicken math struck again and persuaded us that we need 2 cuckoo marans, 3 amererucanas and 1 white leghorn. I've wanted these breeds for a while, so no complaint... but we're at 3wks and I'm seeing...
  6. A

    Gender? 3 week old buff orps, cream legbars, & starlight green egger

    Hello, I know 3 weeks is too early to tell, but I love playing the guessing game of what gender the chicks are. I have two buff orpingtons (#1 & #2), one starlight green egger (#3) and two cream legbars (#4 & #5). All are from TSC. The biggest difference I see right now is between my two buff...
  7. M

    Mystic Maran gender?

    This is supposed to be a pullet Midnight Majesty Maran or Mystic Maran. I have looked at several posts and apparently they are sex-link? I only have the one Maran so no comparisons. No white spot/dot on the head but white specks around the eyes. She (hopefully) has big feet and appears to have...
  8. 1

    Barred rock 3 weeks old, pullet or cockerel?

    I have 3 week old barred Plymouth Rock chicks from a breeder. This is my first time having chickens. I think I may have ended up with a rooster. What do you guys think?
  9. C

    Is my pullet actually a roo?

    I was so convinced my sweet chick daisy was a girl she is a lap chick already and I had thoughts others may be Roos but not her and now she is looking the most like she may actually be a male after all? Red comb forming also has red wattles coming in, “she” is 3 weeks old! Thoughts??? She is an...
  10. Shipgirl

    Two chicks - any idea what genders?

    these are 3 weeks old and I’m thinking of buying- I know it’s early. Anyone have an idea if they might be pullets? I’d rather not have two roosters if I can help it. Any guesses either way? The parents are the last pic
  11. lulu99

    3-week EE - looks boyish already...??

    I'd have thought 3 weeks old might be too young to tell 😳, but little Fez is pretty big, bigger than two other EEs the same age -- and the wider comb and a few red shoulder feathers seem to suggest cockerel...... Is it still too early to say for certain? The other two have tiny skinny yellow...
  12. Cloverr39

    3 week old mixed breed | cockerel??

    I have a 3 week old silkie x bantam brahma mix chick named Chestnut. 3 weeks is way too young to know for sure, but I wanna see what others think. I'm leaning towards cockerel, because of his big legs and kinda wide comb. I have 2 other chicks from the same exact parents, but I can't even...
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