gender ameraucana

  1. nekocafe

    Stumped on these few

    I have four 6 week old chicks that I got as straight run black ameraucanas. 2 black & 2 were supposed to be splash but they look more blue. I need help figuring out whether they’re hens or roos please. Some have tails, short tails, almost no tails, muffs, and no muffs. So confused, haha. The red...
  2. Pandang81

    Cockerel or Pullet? Chicks are 7 weeks old

    Please let me know if you think cockerel or pullet. I’ve labeled them in the first picture 1-4. I bought these from a Breeder who said they were all female. He says he checks gender by wings & he sells his cockerels to a company for butchering. Please let me know your thoughts, I’m curious about...
  3. M

    Lavender Ameracuana Male or Female??

    Hey ya all so we got some eggs and incubated and now 2 of them are looking like Male and idk cause some say there female, but these are rare lavender Ameracuana and that was why others say there hens. Idk what do you all think? I don’t want cockerels in my henhouse. But here is the thing, they...
  4. kurby22

    Ameraucana pullet? 11 weeks

    I feel like I can almost feel okay saying she’s a she…but I’ve never had an Ameraucana or a pea comb breed so I just need confirmation I’m mostly safe thinking she’s a she! I got burned by my first birds and all my favorites were eventual boys so I’m super paranoid haha. I have two, they look...
  5. U

    4 week old barnyard mix - what gender?

    I have seven chicks that I’d love help s3xing. They are all from the same hatch, are 4 weeks old, and all come from blue or green eggs. The barnyard mix included amaracauna to black copper marans, Sussex, Wyandotte’s, frizzles, barred rocks…
  6. LilNoms

    this is a girl, right?

    This is my chicken Hoop, the guy i brought her from said she was an Ameruacana. It’s been 8 months since i got her and she hasn’t laid an egg. I thought maybe she was stressed or something but i don’t think so, because Hoop is my most playful chicken, the way she earned her name is because she...
  7. C

    Hi I’m new to BYC

    Hi everyone I’m nee to BYC and new to bring a chick mom! I’m obsessed! I love them so much! But I do need help identifying my 2 ameraucana’s! Can you help? Cockerel or pullet?
  8. H

    I think I have a rooster!

    Hello all! I got my flock today! back to being a chicken tender :) I am a little nervous as I think one of the 8 week old babies I got may be a rooster?! I did indeed ask for only hens but I think this cutie snuck in. Could someone help me confirm this theory please!
  9. SunnyRue

    Pullet or Cockerel

    Here's my ameraucana girl Beatrice. She and her buff orpington friend Bonnie are almost 3 months old now and I'm wondering if Beatrice is a pullet or a roo. What do you guys think?
  10. A

    Lavender Ameraucanas-Roostes or Hens??

    I have 2 6 month old Lavender Ameraucanas and wondering if anyone had a clue what genders they are? The one labeled 1 has always been aggressive and would peck me even as a chick and the one labeled 2 has always been a scaredy-cat. One of them has started to try to crow (I think) but I haven’t...
  11. M

    Cockerel or Pullet? Lavender Ameraucana

    I was sold these pullets as about to lay lavender ameraucanas. I paid $60 each. They were all missing all their tail feathers and I was told this is normal. I now realize they are likely blue not lavender. My question is, are they hens? I am starting to think they are roosters, at least one...
  12. M

    Cockerels or Pullets?!?! Please help!

    Hi all, I am fairly certain I have 5!!! roosters and 2 hens out of 7 total chicks I bought for 90% sexing accuracy. Can you please help me determine whether I have roosters or hens? (Photos below) 7 week old Easter/Olive Eggers - 2 appear blue (I think both roosters, maybe one hen) - 2...
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