gender and fetahering

  1. V

    What's the gender of my baby?

    This is baby vanilla, she?he? Born in my hands 2 months and half ago. She have a very tiny spurs and when it born, by the wings feathers, I was sure it was a she, but she accidentally crow maybe 2 times this last weeks. Since is a rescued egg from a factory farm I suspect her growth isn't normal...
  2. C

    Cuckoo Maran Chick

    I think it’s a puller but I notice she acts aggressively towards the other chicks I don’t really see much waddle developmen or big comb size I notice though just thought I would post a few pictures get some insight from others on it.
  3. A

    Can anyone tell me if these are roosters or hens?

    Hi Everyone, I bought 8 chicks back on April 1st from Tractor Supply. They were supposed to all be female, however, I may have some roosters among the group. Can anyone tell me if these are females or males? I've had trouble distinguishing! One is a Buff Orpington, another is a New Hampshire...
  4. Fiona Dickson

    Frizzle roosters - frizzle versus smooth gender specific offspring

    Hi there, Can anyone out there who is a genetics expert tell me if the feathering type associated with a frizzle roosters offspring could be also linked to gender? My frizzle rooster so far throws only frizzle girls and straight feathered boys. He has bred with straight feathered hens only...
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