
  1. CassieTheChickenTender

    Silkies :)

    This is mostly just for fun. 😉 They are only 5 1/2 weeks and 3 1/2 weeks The first two pics are of the 5 week olds. One is a crossbeak and is probly why she is smaller. The 3rd pic is the 3 week old which I'm sure will be super hard to guess what it will be. I'm gonna be doing gender testing so...
  2. Stellasmomma

    Hoping to tell gender

    HI All, I posted earlier trying to see if anyone had some guesses on gender of these chicks they are silkie mixes so I know that can be hard one of them is 14,5 weeks the other two are 12.5 weeks. I am hoping that if it is thought these are males that I can rehome them while they are still...
  3. Firsttimehens1234

    What breed And gender is this 9 week old chick

    Hi what breed and gender do you all think this is? I know for a fact that it’s a mix of breeds and it came out of a pinkish egg 🥚 I think it’s a pullet bc it have not shown any of the sighs that my make chickens do and have not crowded😊
  4. Firsttimehens1234

    What gender is this 7 week Old chick

    This is my 7 week Old chick Who is a Combination of different breeds any guesses on what they could be? What gender is it? I think it’s a pullet bc it have never been interested in fighting and have not crowded.
  5. N

    Gender Copper black maran chick

    Hi! My beautifull black copper maran baby is now 2 weeks old and I really want to know the gender. However he (I always say he😜) shows signs of Both genders, like he has no comb at all but also no tail and pretty short feathers. I know it normally takes longer by black copper maran chicks to see...
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