guinea behavior

  1. M

    Guinea fowl problem

    Hi I’ve just joined. I have had chickens for a long time and guineas for about 6 years. This years batch of guineas were managed by the mother Guinea while I was ill and now they have grown and are not friendly like my previous birds. I need to catch most of them and move them on as there are...
  2. Dovahgoddess

    Male guinea attacking female guinea?

    Nearly 1 year old male Guinea keeps pinning the 3 month older hen up against a tree and violently bashing her head. Im 90% sure she's female, two tone call and when they were in the growout pen, her and the other older female were the only two laying eggs. We recently lost his bonded mate a...
  3. B

    Chickens and Guineas transition?

    Greetings all, I'm brand new here, so please pardon any idiocy on my part! I have an established flock of six chickens that live mostly in a run and I wanted to bond a group of guineas to them to keep the guineas close to home. I bought nine guinea keets and raised them with three Americana...
  4. H

    Guinea fowl

    hello i need some answers my guinea fowl are mating but i can’t seem to find any eggs and they have been in there run recently so im not sure why they aren’t laying they are 7 months old so that may have something to do with it also my male guinea( who dont have a mate) go up to my female guinea...
  5. LoveOfFeathers

    Guinea Imprinted on Rooster

    I have a rooster, Casanova that was raised with guinea keets and other chicks by a hen. He knows he is a chicken. The Guinea is madly in love with him, guards his pen and keeps an eye on all of my birds but prefers to gawk at Casey and hangs out around his pen all day. The bond this Guinea has...
  6. B

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Hello, I have a male Guinea fowl that is housed with my flock of 15 hens. They have been living together in harmony since October but all of a sudden the Guinea is attacking one of my girls. Unfortunately I was unable to see how it all started but I noticed the Guinea pecking and jumping on top...
  7. C

    Guineas soaked in the rain

    I am new to owning guineas and have a mixed flock with them and chickens. They have been doing great, and are about 2 months old and have been in their coop and outdoor run area for 2 weeks. I live in Iowa, USA. It had been very dry, so the guineas had been sleeping by roosting on the roof of...
  8. Wallarobba Ali

    Chasing Keets

    So I thought I would just catch the 4 weeks old keets and put them out into the chicken coop for the day. Apparently they have learned to fly, darn well! This is one sitting up on the rafter and laughing at me. FYI I eventually coaxed it down and it joined its confusion.
  9. K

    I just got guineas and my guinea wont move or walk at all.

    I got 6 guineas and one of them wont move it drank a bit of water and perked up a little but still nothing. when we pick it up it moves barely and the other guineas just sit next to it but they look healthy. it doesn’t have any broken feet and it looks perfectly fine besides it just doesn’t want...
  10. GreenMtnVT

    Are they all THIS noisy?

    We have had Mr. and Mrs. Guinea in our flock of chickens since they were keets two years ago. She wasn’t very noisy the first year, but is progressively becoming noisier and noisier. It’s to the point now, that while everyone else is foraging and sunbathing, she’s strolling around loudly...
  11. Rusticgreenacers

    Male Guineas attacking chicken hens

    We have 7 Guinea fowl, 3 males (about 6 month old) in with our chickens, over the last week or so the male Guineas are attacking the chicken hens. Came close to killing one hen, anyone have any experience with this?
  12. Heni Penny

    Sick Guinea post Raccoon Attack?

    About 8 weeks ago our guineas were at roost in a pine when a raccoon attacked. One of the roosters seemingly protected the hen that was being attacked and was attacked himself. All of the commotion woke me up and I ended the attack. Both guineas survived- no blood, “just” feather loss and...
  13. J

    Guinea flock observations

    I just love my guineas. It's funny. Bare with me thru a story before I gush on my guineas. I swore up and down we wouldn't have chickens when we moved to the country. I had zero interest in the nastys. I grew up with them and had nothing but unpleasant memories. But we bought and overgrown...
  14. GuineaQueen

    Guinea hen raising chicks!

    So a few weeks ago I posted about my slightly confused guinea hen momma. Momma went broody on 11 eggs about 2 weeks after one of my black Australorp hens went broody in a nest above momma. When my hens eggs hatched out she went to caring for them but when they were 3 days old she decided to...
  15. Th84

    Guinea killing and aggressive?

    I had 4 quinea, one is on a killing spree, it took up with my tom turkey and won't leave its side, killed my only white one I had, then killed a young chick that roamed around fine until I I released the Guinea out to free range. It almost killed one of my ducks but I saved it, but then as I...
  16. C

    Aloof chickens raised with 2 Guineas

    So I am raising flock number 2 with 4 hens and 2 guinea fowl. I wanted to raise the guineas with chickens so they would be a little tamer and not so prone to roam, which has worked like a charm . The only thing I have noticed is that the hens raised with the guineas are the flightiest, most...
  17. KirbyH

    Another male guinea bully

    For another bullying instance, I have a bullying male guinea who I have isolated from his two female, two male friends. He is cross as can be so today when the neighborhood flock came by, I let him out. He was promptly attacked by two lower echelon males. I let him stay out long enough for him...
  18. Phantom_k9

    Questions about Guinea Fowl

    Hello all, In light of a recent hawk attack, I have been scrambling to find ideas / solutions / preventives when it comes to hawks. Out of the solutions given to me, the most "appealing" would be getting a guard dog (takes a lot of time and money), decoy crows / owls, or guinea fowl. Yes, I do...
  19. newb1rdmom

    Scratched Up Guineas

    I have a set of young guineas in a pen, as I’m trying to acclimate them to our home. They’ve been inside their pen for probably about a month now, more or less, and I noticed last night several of them were all cut and scratched up. They’re about 2 months old now so I’m not sure if maybe this...
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