guinea eggs

  1. danielle2003

    Where Can I Find Guinea Eggs?

    Our guinea hens are starting to lay now, and I would really like to get their eggs and incubate them. Where and how can I find them? Is there a way I can get them to lay in a nest box? If not, where do they usually nest? Thank you!
  2. C

    Hatching Guineas

    We bought 2 guinea keets last year, managed to keep both alive to adulthood and have them end up being a male and female. I'm interested in hatching some of their eggs this year- any tips? Are they much different to incubate than other birds? Also, I thought they'd look a lot different than...
  3. S

    When should female Guinea Fowl start laying eggs?

    Hi all! So I have some guinea fowl that hatched on May 24th. They ended up all being females, which was a blessing. I've owned Guineas for a few years but I've never had females- only males. So I'm super happy to have these. :D But my question is- when should they start laying eggs? They're...
  4. Pennys Mama

    Heinz Variety Hatch-Along

    I just now set 56 of my own quail eggs, plus 10 guinea eggs, and in a week I'll add 11 +/- LARGE breed chicken eggs to hatch-along with the guineas. I've also got 3 turkey eggs that go in lockdown Sunday for a planned CHRISTMAS hatch!!! :bun:jumpy:yesss: :fl Edited: 59 quailies & 12 guineas...
  5. Pennys Mama

    Are these guinea eggs normal?

    These eggs are from the same guinea hen, she's just over 20 weeks old. These are her 1st three eggs. The larger one was her 1st, then 2 days later the middle one, then today the tiny round one. Is there something that I need to do or give her that'll fix her eggs? The first one is the only one...
  6. B

    Guinea Hens Broody?

    So, I noticed that one of the guineas was acting funny. She kept going back to the house and sitting in there and was really only coming out for food and stuff. There were no eggs, though, so I didn't think anything of it. After getting home today, I found a guinea egg. It's too large to be a...
  7. Marmack

    Orphan eggs, need help determining age

    I was checking the horse pasture round bale today, I looked in the same areas I have been checking out for the past 2 weeks for a missing hen. Unfortunately what led me to the nest was a broken egg. Of all of the eggs in the nest 4 are intact, 1 has tooth marks in it but does not appear to...
  8. libarena

    Guinea fowl hatch date?!

    One of my guinea hens has been missing for quite awhile, I haven’t really kept track because I figured she must have been picked off. She is BRIGHT white and I figured she would be a predator magnet... so naturally, I didn’t think that she had gone off to nest until this morning she randomly...
  9. cqangie29

    Guineas laying soft eggs

    Hi, my guineas are 4.5 months old. I had no idea that they would lay this young lol. But the 1st egg was thin but pretty firm. But the last 2 eggs i found were soft. I began putting oyster shells in their food once I found the 1st egg. My question long does it take to start seeing a...
  10. J


    Being totally new to hatching eggs, I misread the incubator directions and have had my guinea eggs at 72* for 25 days. When I went to stop the egg rotater yesterday for the final three days, I realized the smaller print was the room temperature for the incubator to be in. Despite my major...
  11. P

    Help with hatching guinea

    My son decided to work towards hatching is own guinea eggs. We are supporting him but he has been doing all of research so I am here for any suggestions/help. He has a still air incubator and is manually turning. They are in a dark room. The temp. is about 100. The humidity hung at about...
  12. CrazyCluckinJones

    Guinea Eggs - HELP!

    So I ordered 12 guinea eggs off ebay, excited to add to my flock, the seller said that by chance the guineas stopped laying the day I bought the eggs. There was some back and forth and she said that she would send me what she had and send a dozen next spring if I'd just pay shipping. Well my...
  13. NewLifeAcres

    Normal Guinea egg consistency??

    I am new to homesteading and have a flock of 12 chickens and 2 Pearled guineas. My guineas started laying at 16 wks and they are 22 wks now. Some of my chickens started laying 3 wks ago and I have noticed a big difference between the 2 kinds. The one that concerns me a bit is the guinea egg...
  14. glambka

    ISO Guinea Hen eggs

    I’m in Southeast Michigan, 30 miles north of Detroit, very near Lake St. Clair. I’m looking for guinea hen eggs...several dozen for egg art. Looking to pay no more than $2 a doz, but will tak up to 10 doz. please Convo me if you are NEAR my location (Macomb county).
  15. J

    Are my guinea eggs too small to incubate?

    Hey All, we ordered guinea eggs online and had 15 hatch in April. They’ve started laying in a nest but these eggs are much smaller than I remember. None are longer than 1.75”. Can I try to incubate them or should I wait until the guineas start laying larger eggs?
  16. AMoritz

    1st guinea hatch, 5 eggs are 10 days older!

    Hi, This is my first post here. I have 6 cinnamon Queen chicken hens, 2 guinea fowl males, and 2 guinea fowl hens. That being said I've had a broody cinnamon Queen sitting in a nest if eggs for awhile, so I decided to do my own batch of guinea eggs in my incubator. I put them in my incubator on...
  17. Cyprus

    16 eggs, 3 species, 1 homemade incubator: Will it be done?

    Hello everyone! :) My good friend, who shall be named the Egg Man, delivered these to me yesterday: I set all of the eggs on 5/23/18. Some of the bantam eggs: Hopefully I will have a good hatch. We'll just have to wait and see :) The ducks are mixed Ancona and Pekin. The bantams I have...
  18. B

    Guinea fowl nesting habits.

    Hey everyone! We have 11 Guinea fowl (6 hens and 5 cocks) and are expecting eggs soon. I have a few questions. A. When do guineas start laying their eggs? Are they laying now, or in March and April? B. We have two chickens and a rooster. Will the chicken hens raise the keets once they hatch...
  19. corancher

    18+ guinea hatching eggs - Lots of colors in flock

    We have over 60 guineas of the following colors: Coral Blue, Violet, Powder Blue, Slate, Chocolate, Pearl, White, Buff Dundotte, Purple. They all run together so I cannot give certain colors. My customers reported great results from hatching our shipped guinea eggs the last two years. This...
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