happy birds

  1. mrslita2019

    What are your thoughts???

    Hi All, We picked up 10 hens of various types from my aunt last week. They have been raised free ranging and getting egg layer AM and PM. We live on 10 VERY OPEN acres. Built them a decent size coop to keep them safe from predators. I am feeding egg layer AM and PM with a few treats like...
  2. cluck queen

    Early spring madness

    Let's see everyone's gals (or guys) enjoying this prespring weather!
  3. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    First off, no one panic please or feel bad because Rulu the Rhode Island Red has lived a veryyyyy long happy life. So, today we went out to the ducks, turkeys and chickens and I noticed Rulus eye being shut. I quickly investigated without touching her. Then, I asked my freind to help me put her...
  4. Hello to all the other bird brains out there

    Hello to all the other bird brains out there

    I am 36 and on mental health disability for PTSD and other issues due to head trauma. I started this year with a new emotional support animal. A lovely little Cinnamon Queen hen who goes by the name of Rosemary. I've really never thought of my self as a bird person but I have to admit that she...
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