Hi everyone. I am on a mission to create a dual purpose flock for myself and my family so I can stop ordering meat birds every year. I just ordered a few Bielefelder roosters from a private breeder, but I was also considering getting some Delawares as well. I stumbled upon Deer run farms. I was...
I’m in northern CA and I am trying to obtain the goal of having a dual purpose flock for my homestead. I’ve raised egg layers for a long time and Cornish cross for a few years. I’ve had a great experience with the Cornish Cross (not many losses, no nasty injuries, etc) but I want to move away...
Hey everyone. I've Recently Started down the road of hatching Chickens for side income, and progressing my duel purpose chicken project. I'm gone working in Alaska May-Sept fishing, and have a dream of working for myself while taking my turn as stay at home parent here in Southeast AZ Sept-May...
I really do not like the idea of buying baby chicks online from hatcheries— it scares me!
I want to get 6 bantam chicks (2 mille fleurs, 2 splash ameraucana, and i’m still figuring out the third breed if you guys have favorite bantam breeds!) but they’re not available to pick up in person.
Can anyone help me figure out the breeds of these chicks?
I just picked them up from the post office today. They are from Hoovers Hatchery and are listed as their Assorted Colored Layers. Supposed to be all females.
This is what they say could be in the mix: Americana, Olive Egger...
Hello everyone. Please learn from my horrendous experience and be very weary about ordering from Cackle or any hatchery for that matter.
I was hesitant to order any birds ever, but I saw forum after forum and many reviews stating that this hatchery was reputable. I decided to go against my...
Hello! I wanted to share my positive McMurray experience with you guys. I ordered 15 chicks last month with a May 6th hatch date. I paid the extra $57 for priority loading. I had them ship all the way to California so I definitely wanted that.
On May 6th I got an email that they hatched and...
Shipped to CT successfully. Heating pack was still warm. Each pullet healthy, alert and content!
One Frizzle Easter Egger, one Green Queen banty, and one Exchequer Leghorn. I’m sure you guys know who’s who! They will be joining my black Australorp/blue Orpington/Dominique crew!
Just placed an order at Ideal Poultry, I’ve ordered once from them before but it was YEARS ago maybe in 2014. My orders due to ship 08/09 so I’m excited to hear from people about their experiences with Ideal nowadays!
My first ever order from them I ordered 8 assorted bantams and received 20...
I bought some barred rocks from a hatchery. I'm interested in having them for my own food but also to help maintain a valuable heritage breed into the future.
I'm hatching extra chicks to sell into the local area and I'm wondering what "pure breed" means exactly. I obviously do not have show...
I'm making this thread to post information specifically about the Sapphire Olive Eggers from Hoover's Hatchery. They are a new breed for them and I can't find very much information on the anywhere. (NOT A SAPPHIRE GEM - THEY LAY BROWN EGGS) These lay olive eggs.
I contacted the hatchery and...
I’m wary of big time hatcheries or mainstream stores because of bad past experience. I bought from Meyer hatchery last year and 2/3 chicks were genetically weak and died. I assume it’s from over breeding and possibly inbreeding. I’ve heard other people who bought from there with the same exact...
I’d love to start a thread with pics of what everyone’s ACTUALLY getting in their grow outs purchased from different hatcheries. Let’s start with anyone who has purchased silkies from mypetchicken.com
I've been goofing around with the Chicken Calculator, and I think I might have a crossbreeding gameplan. But, I want to know more about the genetics of the birds involved first.
For example, the Cuckoo Marans from Murray McMurray, what is the 'extension of black'? 4 options on the calculator...
Hey all. I’m thinking of ordering a batch of about 10 ducklings from metzer farm, But not sure if they would be able to ship to Alberta, Canada. Anyone got any help on this? Would they charge me extra too for shipping here? And what’s y’all’s experience with metzer too. Thanks!
I had a bad experience with Meyer and decided to go with MPC when ordering chicks this time around. But, I’m just now figuring out that the hatcheries are/were affiliated. The threads I saw are years old, so I’m here to ask if it’s possible that they’re not affiliated anymore?
Meyer forgot to...
Hi all, first time post!
We are looking to order some female ducklings. We started our flock from TC, but most of them ended up drakes and we are raising ducks for eggs. I’ve seen good reviews about Metzer Farms, but we are based in North Alabama and I’m hoping to order from a hatchery closer...
I’m looking to get some ducklings and I’m so thrown off by the variety of information I’m finding on Runner Ducks. Most websites say that Indian Runners lay 300+ eggs a year, but when I go to the hatchery websites, they all say 100-180 eggs a year…what’s your experience? And do you have any...