This is only my second attempt at hatching eggs under a broody hen - with the first attempt resulting in a disappointing 0% hatch rate..!
So this time, early early on day 21 I was thrilled to discover a little Old Cotswold Legbar emerging from it's shell.
Day 22 now - and nothing...
My two bantam Cochin frizzle serama sisters are broody (again/as usual) and we are popping fertile eggs under them. My friend gave me a few of her fertile Easter egger eggs and I had some silkie eggs sent to me.
I’ve just read there may be a difference in hatch time for the silkies. 21...
I have a quail and he finally come out but has been about 36 hours inside the egg he only put part of his mouth out and he won' open the shell how long will take or should I assist him?
I know some breeders like to give their chicks a head start by hatching their chicks in winter and keeping them in the brooder until the first day of spring comes. But I have to ask, is there a better time to hatch? What month is best?