head injury

  1. I

    Rooster Head Injury!

    I have a 2 year old Sebright Bantam rooster who is having nerve problems. He twists his head 360 degrees around and has a hard time eating. He fell into water during the winter, and I dried him off as soon as I could, but he hasn't perched on the roosting bar since then or crowed. Recently his...
  2. B

    Female button quail weird eye shape and swollen head?

    I noticed today that one of my females that has become one of my males favourite to mate with had a swollen looking head that seems to be pulling her eyelids up. I felt it and it is hard, not fluid filled like an abscess. Anyone know if she will be alright?
  3. J

    Back of hen's head degloved?

    I went out this morning to find one of our hens in their enclosed run with the back of her head like this! It almost looks degloved. I can't find any other injuries and none of the other chickens are injured or missing. The back of our rooster's legs do have dried blood on them so my suspicion...
  4. N

    First time owning chickens unsure how to treat head injury 🤕

    First time owning chickens woke up to find one of my hands with a head injury we have only hands
  5. slukeplass22

    Bleeding in Iris, no other Symptoms, no Discharge

    Hi all, Starting on the 11th, I noticed one of my Buff Orpingtons had been keeping her right eye shut and was less active than she used to be. Her eye looked fine at the time so I wasn't sure what was wrong exactly. I offered her extra water in case she was not drinking as much, and gave her...
  6. J

    Chicken has a hole on the top of her head

    Hi, I think my rooster pulled too hard on the feathers on top of the chicken’s head and that caused the skin to come off and if I look inside I can see a hole. I’ve been cleaning it with veticiryn and applying neosporin twice a day. The piece of skin is still attached to her and I keep trying...
  7. H

    Broody Hen pecked her chicks?!

    I have a hen who just hatched two chicks yesterday. She has hatched many chicks for me before and been one of the best mommas. But when I checked on them in the afternoon both chicks had head injuries like she had pecked them! They were in a brooder box inside, so no predators. Do you think the...
  8. TwoChicksChix

    Gosling with head injury?

    Hi everyone, I have an African gosling almost 9 weeks old. In the past two days she has developed a weird, squishy bump on the top of her head. (I only felt it to determine it’s texture, after that it hasn’t been squished) She also has developed angel wing on one side. I have her in with...
  9. schnauzerpup

    Head trauma - wry neck?

    Our 14 week chick had accidental head trauma Tuesday (stick fell on head). Immediately had issues with balance, and was twisting head to the right constantly. It tried to eat initially, but has worsened. Now it sleep all day, rarely moves except with jerky legs/wings. It does move its tongue...
  10. Harmoni

    Cockerel attacking pullet

    Wtf?!?! My 11 week old cockerel just attacked my 14 week old pullet. He repeatedly pecked her head and flipped her over. Pretty sure I can see her skull in one spot. Cleaned with povidone, vetricyn and packed with bacitracin. Going to isolate her for at least the night. Anything else I should do?
  11. maycwindu

    Head injury or illness?

    Hi Everyone, Brand new coturnix quail owner with a sick or injured quail. I have a flock of 10 at about 7 weeks old. This morning, all seemed well when I moved them from their coop to their aviary. When I came out to check on them, there was evidence of fighting because one of them, a...
  12. RedDogChick

    Advice for treating severe head injury from pecking <pics>

    Thanks for all the advice I've gleaned so far from this community, now I have some specific questions. This is my first time raising chickens, and overnight/morning of Sep4-5, one of my youngest pullets was savagely attacked by 2 oldest layers. Injured bird (Copper) is isolated from 5 other...
  13. shinymelody

    Log fell on hen, no physical trauma but behaving strange

    Long story: I have looked everywhere and have done what I can, but I'm still very concerned. On April 3rd, i rolled a log, and my hen ran under before I could stop it. I should have checked before doing so, and i feel so guilty about it. :( It was a small, thin log, but it was still pretty...
  14. V

    Head Injury on Baby Chicks- Open Wound. Help!!

    Hey guys. I am new to chicken raising but long story short... I have 3 egg laying hens and 2 baby chicks (about 3 weeks old) raised them since they were days old. One of my adult hens seems to be very territorial, and has plucked the feathers out of one of my other adult ones. They've been...
  15. Fireside Acres

    My pullet got her head stuck in the door - hoping she will be able to walk again soon!

    My lavender hen who is pretty special - one of two hens who have to be picked up and loved on - got her head stuck in the door somehow. I've installed an inner wire door now so this can't happen in the future. She was wobbly but walking, so I gave her some nutri-drench and vitamin b along with a...
  16. Quailobsessed

    Poor Pinga

    I went outside to feed all my birds early this morning, as I always do. When I checked on my king quails, I found Pinga (my hand raised quail) with a bleeding head. She lives with her two sisters and younger brother (I don't breed them) and they all get along like loving siblings. However...
  17. M

    Female quail bumped head hard. How to help her?

    Yesterday one of our female quails got startled and jumped, hit her head quite hard. After that, she was sluggish, quiet, and keeping her head down. We took her out of the pen and put her in our home in a small cage. Gave her some water. Well, put her beak in so she had to drink some, which she...
  18. B

    Annoying injured chick follows doesn't' stop crying and follows us around the house

    I recently rescued a 2 day old Icelandic from a failed adoption scenario. It had significant head wound from getting pecked by the broodie hen and has been isolated. Upon rescue the poor little think was screaming it's beak off... but now 24 hours later he still doesn't shut up at all... He is...
  19. growurfood

    Treatment for swollen head due to injury and E. coli infection

    Hi, I have a chicken with a head injury from another chicken pecking it. This morning she has a very swollen head, the wound is infected, most likely from E. coli introduced in the cut. I’m thinking about giving antibiotics immediately. Sulfa? It needs to be something I can dissolve in water...
  20. Melody102

    Help (injured quail, possibly graphic photos)

    Hello, I need some help with what to do with my quail. She had a head injury and had half her scalp pecked off. It was hanging on barely as a flap and I cleaned her up and gave her a bandaid hat to keep it clean and everything in place. I expected that as she healed it would re-attach (I had...
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