I’ve got a 1 and two month old blue Andalusian who gets a purple comb on the back and tips. (Pics included, but it looks darker in person). It isn’t all day, just usually in the evening when she’s moving around a lot more. I wasn’t too concerned at first because she has a pretty big comb, but...
Hi. I am brand new to BackYard Chickens but am just wondering if anyone has had any issues feeding their ducks organic feed? We recently lost a duck due to an enlarged heart. The vet mentioned it could be genetic but then went into a long spiel about how ducks raised on organic feed...
I thought that my chicken had puss in her eye, but it is actually an accumulation of fluid. She also has a distended abdomen. It seems like there is fluid built up in her. what could this be? She has not eaten anything this morning. I have her in a cage in the laundry room. is it better to keep...
I came back from setting some eggs in the incubator and when I went to do the evening move/feed noticed one of my meat birds didn’t move to the new grass, wouldn’t stand or go for the feed. I’ve moved her inside her comb is purplish she is panting and has a swollen abdomen right near her vent. I...
My hen has gained weight recently, though it seems like it's only her backside. She is super skinny up front and has nothing in her crop but it seems really fat on the opposite side. She doesn't seem to be egg bound. Her comb is bright red and she doesnt show signs of straining. However she has...