
  1. fangedknight

    Any SCAdians on here?

    OI YEY! OI YEY! Good Gentles! I bring greetings from the Kingdom of the East! My name is Lord Jakob Agnarsson and I hail from the shire of Hartshorn-dale where I partake in fencing, arts & sciences, and suffer from a chronic case of helium hand! I was wondering if there were any other Scadians...
  2. KittyIsQuackers

    History for Indian Runners??

    Hello! I reenact colonial America (1775). I’d like to get some Runners so I can bring one with me when I go all dressed up. I can't find any mention of them before 1830, which was when they were imported to the UK, or so I’ve heard. I’ve also heard that they’re actually native to Asia, and...
  3. Scientific research on poultry

    Scientific research on poultry

    Scientific studies and reviews I found interesting. I've composed this list mainly for myself, but seeing as it can interest others, I'll post it publicly. Word of warning; I'm not educated, only interested in knowing as much about my hobby as possible. Will forever be updated... Language rated...
  4. A_Fowl_Guy

    Telling the Bees

    I thought this was an interesting article out of the Old Farmer’s Almanac 2019. Telling The Bees A swarm of facts, folklore, and traditions By Tim Clark For thousands of years, human beings have shared a special bond with bees. Bees are not truly domesticated; their relationship with humans...
  5. OldEnglishGameBantam33

    History And Domestication of The Chicken!

    History and Domestication of The Chicken By: OldEnglishGameBantam33 (OldEnglishGameBantam33 "Rhode Island Red Hen Billé" 2018) Years ago, our ancestors took red jungle fowl (gallus gallus) and bred them to domestication. Today, we have over 500 chicken breeds. How did this happen? Through...
  6. OldEnglishGameBantam33

    ✯The History and Domestication of the Chicken✯

    Domestication of the Chicken (Rhode Island Red Hen Billé 2018) Years ago, our ancestors took red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) and bred them to domestication. Today, we have over 500 chicken breeds. How did this happen? Through evolution, artificial selection, and domestication. Artificial...
  7. Kaya1

    Literature on Medieval Quail History?

    Kinda weird, but I'm going to be participating in a lot of medieval/renaissance faires with my wife this summer, and after sharing some of my eggs with guild-mates, they requested I bring a few of my birds to the next faire to talk about them (in character). Does anyone know of any websites or...
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