A little sparrow ,or other songbird, got it’s legs caught in my brother’s mouse trap. My mom found it and brought it in the house. I’ve filled out this template with its information. I have a lock-in tonight and won’t be around but my mom will. I don’t have much hope for the little guy but want...
I have a pullet who seems to have injured her leg, although we don’t see any signs of injury. She’s refusing to walk on it and it using her wing as support. We have her isolated in a kennel to prevent her from moving too much & she’s eating and going to the bathroom regularly. If anyone has...
Hello all, my lovely hen recently got attacked by a bobcat but was saved thankfully but this morning she’s not doing too good, she’s sitting with her head down and eyes closed and it seems like she’s doing everything to just every breath, she has a couple big spots where her feathers were...
My Black Copper Marran has become lethargic; his comb is purple and bleeding in some areas. The temp has not gotten below 39 degrees Fahrenheit, so I am unsure if it is frostbite. It has always gone through stages where it would get a little bit of purple when he gets excited or stressed, but...
Hey all, found my goose today outside hurt. She was walking around and making noise, we brought her in and sat her in the bathtub and rinsed her as well as we could with warm water and are now applying vetericyn wound care to her 3-4 times a day. As far as we can tell there are no deep wounds...
I have a goose that was bit by a dog yesterday on the end of her wing it looked to be okay yesterday but now it has turned black and is full of maggots is there anything I can do???
my hen was attacked by something the other night, likely a fox or dog. her wing is broken and she has quite a few wounds. the largest, being a puncture wound, is infected and oozing green pus even though i’ve been disenfecting it quite a few times daily. i’m worried about how bad it could get...
My Hens coop got knocked over and my two hens got out. Sadly, one was eaten. The other one was hid somewhere, when we found her we picked her up and brought her back home. We noticed she wasn’t putting pressure on one of her legs and was dragging it behind. She is eating when we put food in...
We have this lovely Cochin pullet, who has been squatting like this for over a week. She is not egg bound, our Poultry club friends are thinking that she was mounted by our larger males and that this has damaged her legs/ hips.
How do I go about making her comfortable? I have her in my office...
This morning when I let my chickens out, I saw that one of them had their wing out and up, as if stretching or something.
After a few seconds, she wouldn’t lower her wing, so I gently pushed her wing down, and carefully put her longer wing feathers together, and back into place. When I...
emergency care for injuries
help anyone😰😰😰😭😭
help appreciated
hurtbirdhurt chicken
hurt chicken wing
hurt chicken.
wing droop
Hello all, im new here and have a question. The other day i saw one of my males start getting all puffy and strutty, and was harassing the hell out of one of my females. I know they are in the first time stage of mating, so i ignored it. The next day my wife went out and found the one female...
Ok, so we saw a Facebook post saying there were two lost chickens in with a bunch of condos. Since we are somewhat experienced with dealing with chickens and have a lot, we figured we needed to do something. One of them was easy to pick up but the other was in a panic, took 15mins to grab it...
I saw that one of my female quail was lying on the ground with her leg out. (It looked hurt, no blood though.) The other quails were pecking at her on the ground so I took her out ASAP and into a quarantine box with food, water, etc. I'm not sure how she hurt it. I have just taken out anything...
Hi! So I just went outside to check on my quail and I found my male's feet were all entangled in string and so I quickly cut it and brought him inside. Heis sitting in my bathroom sink with his feet in the was and the string cut through to his skin. Other than him sometimes holding one foot up...
My hen has had a slight limp for the past couple days, nothing too major. But on Sunday she couldn’t stand so I separated her, she got out and made her leg worse. Sunday and Monday she was eating and drinking, tuesday I had to make her drink water but she ate fine. This morning she ate when I...
Help me out! My sapphire gem hen, Diamond, was limping today. She also had her tail quite low...
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
Sapphire gem. She’s one year old. Not exactly sure about her weight, however, she did seem a...
Hi I have a 4 week old turkey. Yesterday she was all fine and normal walking around and today she has one leg that bends the opposite direction idk what to do I'm separating her from the others shes not crying in pain or anything shes walkingish eating and drinking. When I held her to look at it...
Can you guys look at these pics and tell me if something is wrong with my little chick? I got from Tractor Supply about 3 weeks ago. It's the biggest one and just looks funny. Doesnt act like the other chicks.
I have 4 Rouen females and 4 Rouen drakes. One of my girls (she’s the smallest) is missing hair all down her neck and she has gashes in the side of her face which are causing her pain. I have witnessed the drakes ganging up on her, while the other 3 females try to get them off her. She stays in...