Hello! New here.
I’ve been raising chickens for about a year. Our neighbors rooster hopped over the fence last month and we suddenly had fertilized eggs. We thought why not hatch them since it’s chick season anyhow. We have Golden Comets, White Leghorns, and some weird breed TS had last year...
This (11 wk old) cockerel is from a Jubilee Orpington rooster and a (maybe? mix?) black wynadotte/Orpington hen (last pic, she carries the mottling gene and has produced some black with white mottling chicks). He was very slow to feather, and his feathers are as iridescent as they look in the...
Hi, I hatched on June 20th from Egg #1 (Eggs marked in one of the photos included). Unfortunately, my owner doesn’t know what I am so I don’t have a name yet. Please help him Identify what breed of chick I may be and also whether I’m a hen or roo so he can name me! (Also please suggest two names...
These girls were sold to me as brown red Ameraucanas but they obviously aren’t. 2/5 have beards and muffs, one is an obviously lighter colour than the rest. Any ideas? They definitely have lots of Americauna in thrm and her whole flock lays blue eggs but some looked suspiciously green to me as...
I have some questions about the breeds of my chicks, which are not as the seller described.
So I had a broody hen, and I decided to give her hatching eggs. Since we don't have a rooster, we ordered a set of 12 eggs on eBay.
The seller's description was as follows: "Assorted mix which consists...
I went to Rural King here in Central KY and picked up some chicks, only to find that they were not what I thought I was getting. Does this sound familiar? I need help identifyng all 4 of these babies.
I'm actually somewhat pleased as these look so interesting. These first 2 pics are from the...
I need help identifying my 2 roosters! The white one, and colorful one. I’ve recently been given them, and am clueless on what breed they could be. please help!
I saved a young chicken from a cat in my front garden two weeks ago and no one seems to be missing it.
I have no idea what breed, sex or age it is. I have 5 hens that are 2 years old but other than my 5 girls I have no other chicken experience.
I can’t have a rooster in my neighborhood so...
I bought this chick out of a Rural king...and it was with the dark brahmas....didn't notice the hairless legs til I got home...can someone help me identify kind and sex if possible!?!
Hello all! I’ve searched around and I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts about my girl, Lizzie. She was my mystery chicken from Murray McMurray (fondly called “bonus fry” by my Nieces and Nephews). I assumed Cochin as she was growing and I always thought she was a Partridge Cochin but she...
Hello, I’ve got a beautiful pullet but do not recall what breed I bought or thought I purchased. She has a black and copper collar and beautiful lavender under feathers. She’s a very active free range forger. She’s about 14-16 weeks old.
thanks for all your expert input.
Hello! We have a new batch of chicks this year and several of them came from an "assortment" at the feed store. Can anyone tell me what breed these young ladies are?? Thanks!!
One in pictures above is a 10 week old chick. I think it’s a rooster. I incubated some eggs for my moms mixed rooster and her her barred rocks. Her brother is below he was crowing loud and proud this week. I was hopeful that one of the lighter chickens would be a hen but I’m not sure.
Have six total mystery chicks — can anyone help me identify their breeds? I have zero info on who they might be!!
Thank you!!!
Some helpful hints:
Chick no. 1 is primarily dove grey
Chick no. 2 is yellow and ginger
Chick no. 3 is a red-brown chipmunk pattern (with pink legs?)
Chick no. 4 is...
Hi everyone,
I have 6 pullets that are 6 weeks old and out of them I know 4 are Buff Orpingtons.
However, there are two that I am unsure of which breed they are and I was wondering if I get some help identifying them. I was told they are the same breed (not 100% sure) and lay white eggs.
Hey all!I got this chick a little more than a month ago. 4-22 is when it hatched. I swapped a Light Brahma Bantam cockrel for an Easter Egger pullet. Now I have been trying almost all year to have more hens eventually. Every time something has happened like chickens needing to be rescued. I...