import permit

  1. E

    Importing to the USA from Malaysia?

    I was wondering if anyone can help me? I'm interested in Potentially importing Philippine Darag hatching eggs into the US. I live in the state of North Carolina. I'm not sure if I'll go through with it if it's too expensive but I figured I'd check anyway. I do have an uncle living in Malaysia...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    How do breeders import new bloodlines with poultry?

    To make it clear, I will not be doing this anytime soon as I only this year got into poultry keeping and have yet to breed my own birds. But in the further future I am hoping to breed chickens and coturnix quail. But my problem is there are very few good breeders of coturnix quail online and I...
  3. icyangel222

    NPIP, Import Permit, and Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.

    Eggs being imported have to be NPIP certified in a lot of places. But there's the import permit as well. Now, I'm wondering is the seller responsible for all that or does the buyer have to have the import permit? Cause I saw that the annual import permit form is for the out of state sellers to...
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