I suspect my chickens have coryza. I’m taking one to the vet tomorrow to confirm but they meet all of the symptoms. I understand that this usually does not kill birds if treated but the chickens will keep the disease forever. I’m quite conflicted. I have four birds. A lot of previous answers...
Hello! I just joined BYC today because I was hoping to get some help with my chickens eye. A few days ago I noticed she was isolating herself in the coop. She wouldn’t come out at all so I would bring her some food and water. 2 days ago I noticed that one of her eyes was shut. She couldn’t...
We noticed our chicken had a swollen eye she was keeping shut almost a week ago. She has been on a topical antibiotic from the feed store ever since, and the swelling has come down and she seems to be in less discomfort from it.
I am wondering if anyone has experienced this before and has some...
About 7 month ago my duck had a small odd growth that kept growing untill it was pretty big, then one day I went out to check on the ducks when it had just fallen off and left a hole. I thought it was a good thing and that it could finally heal but it just won't heal. It stayed as a black scab...
Hey there! First timer for bumble foot and it has this chicken mama in a tizzy!!
I’ve soaked and soaked her foot in warm epsom salt for the past 3 days and have been trying to pull the bumble out with a pair of clean tweezers. I’ve sprayed vetrx on it every night and keep it wrapped in guaze to...
Hello everyone,
I just woke up this morning to let my 3 chickens out and they were all completely fine. Then, in the afternoon, my 2 year & 10 month old female easter egger, started to have her tail down, eye closed but she still wanted to eat and could peck. But whenever she peck she would...
My lavender marans hen (fairly new breed) has this weird excess mucus in one eye that looks kind of like the third eyelid, she blinks it away a bunch. She has no respiratory issues or vision issues, at least as far as I know. I’m wondering if this might be a potential problem.
Hello BYC,
these last three weeks have been quite hard as one of my chickens has a Severe swelling in her sinus as well as around her eye its gotten really bad to where inside her mouth her pallette has been pushed outwards (photos of her eye and everything will be down below).
Shes eating and...
My girl has a wound on her breast that has scab over and is red. It's not fever hot nor is there any smell or pus. But it does look like it's on the verge of becoming infected. What are some tips just incase it does turn for the wors.
Good morning everyone,
I have a hen Penelope that has been known to prolapse over the last couple years (she’s around 3 1/2 years old). Normally I have not had any trouble fixing the prolapse every time and she has always seem normal and healthy other than that. Earlier this week she wasn’t...
Today when i went to feed the chickens and let them out of the coop i noticed this one roosters' face/wattles being pretty swollen and also noticed that he was acting pretty unusual. He was walking a bit weird, raising his legs more than usual almost looking like he was marching and he has lost...
Hello everyone,
I have a 1 year and 8 month old Easter Egger rooster and I have been recently seeing these small little white dots on his comb and it looks like some sort of Favus. I did some research and few people said to use Anti Fungal Cream, but I don't have any so I found a bottle of MP...
So my rescue chicken of unknown age is pooping weird. She is undergoing stress right now due to a really severe molt (in December for heavens sake) but this recent, been happening for 2 days. Not all poops are like this. She's been lethargic since her molt began so I can't tell if it's more or...
Hi everyone!
I have some sad news. I have this three week old baby silkie chick. Last Thursday I noticed this on her bottom eye lid and assumed it was a cut from another chick that had gotten infected? The first picture is what it looked like last Thursday.
I started treating it like a cut...
Hello everyone, I was looking at my rooster's toe nail and I think I found out that his toe nail might have fallen off from scratching? It looks like his upper toe nail is still on, while the bottom of the toe nail is off. I can see the little blood dripping from there. I then cleaned his toe...
My chicken recently broke her leg a couple days ago we splinted the leg and it already feels like the bone is back to normal. I took the splint off to clean the leg and now her foot looks infected. Are there any antibiotics I can make to help with the foot or any other ways to help her?
(left is...
Hello. Is this life threatening? There are a few issues with my rooster.
Beginning with the most urgent, apparently swelling around one eye on one side of his face is a respiratory infection sign. Pictures below. Currently the eye is nearly swollen closed.
I posted elsewhere and only got two...
My 4 day old male chick is seemingly very healthy but has weird brown spots at the ends of each of his toes. He bites his toes a lot so he may be in pain. I will attach a picture of what I am talking about. Could this be bumble foot? I have never seen that look like this before. I do not think...
Hello, I am desperately in need of help. I have a 5-month-old chick that has black patches at the bottom of her feet. She lays down most of the time (as they appear to be painful). She is eating fine and we took her to the vet about a month ago and she got diagnosed with pressure ulcers due to...