infectious bronchitis

  1. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Positive for Mycoplasma Synoviae, Coryza and Bronchitis

    Just had my 1 yo Cochin die and sent for necropsy. Came back positive for MS, Coryza and Bronchitis. I know even if I treat the rest of the flock they can remain carriers. I’ve got chicks I hatched out that have not been exposed to the one that died and I practice strict biosecurity when it...
  2. Chickenmother26

    Fluid coming from nose, gasping, smelly poop, lethargic, increased water consumption hen

    Hello! I got a 12 week old hen off of Facebook (I know, not the best idea 😭) and she seems sick. We’ve had her for 11 days now. We noticed bloody diarrhea the second day, which we treated for coccidiosis using CORID for 5 days, and now she’s on the preventative dose. She immediately had more...
  3. B

    Chicks with Respiratory Issues

    Hi Everybody! I appreciate you taking the time to read my giant book of a thread. I really am searching for some help and answers. So a little back story. I went online in search of a local breeder because I wanted to support local and avoid obtaining chicks from mass suppliers. It was my first...
  4. M

    Egg issues after infectious bronchitis

    Hello! My flock recently had Infectious Bronchitis run through it. Three out of five hens had their egg production impacted. I read it could take up to 8 weeks for things to return to normal but I’m worried about what they are currently laying. Very soft shelled and broken with yolk running...
  5. KCward

    Chickens eyes swollen/respiratory illness

    My chickens I have now are 12 month old brahmas and 4 month old Wyandottes. I noticed diarrhea about a month ago in my brahmas so started trying to treat that symptom, thinking it was probably cocci or worms. Now I think it is probably linked to a respiratory illness. One hen got very sick about...
  6. Goosebaby

    Questions/ infectious bronchitis?

    My flock has had white diarrhea and occasional respiratory issues since the end of May/ beginning of June, diagnostic testing and a vet isn’t an option currently so I know it’s anyone’s guess what my flock actually has. Some suggestions included renal coccidia, or a very mild form infectious...
  7. Jen1989

    Not to well chicken, potentially infectious coryza

    Hi everyone, I have a 3yo cornish indian game bird called Penny who's not been doing too well today. Shes been sneezing for the past few days, I've had respiratory aid in her water, she had a full crop last night. I've also noticed this week small amounts of blood in some of her poop (see pic)...
  8. M

    Emergency egg bound? Infectious Bronchitis? Constipation??

    A friend called me today because her hen laid this egg and is acting lethargic. Her belly feels very watery and bloated. She isn't eating and drinking much but she is still doing it a little.We are treating her for the possibility of egg binding. We have fed Tums and coconut oil and she is...
  9. H

    Respiratory Issues with Buff

    Hello, I am looking for some help with my buff orph that is about 6 months old. As of this morning when she came out of the coop she had a whistling breath and was sneezing. She also has a runny nose. I've given electrolytes in the water and then was told oregano would work better. So currently...
  10. orangesplash

    Why do chicks breathe heavily & open and close their mouths?

    my 2.5 week old polish chick is opening and closing its mouth. Is this a good medicine regime? Tylan-oral Multivitamin Paracetamol Or Amoxicillin or any other antibiotic? I’m really worried.
  11. JillyChickyDee

    10 very sick chickens with respiratory distress

    Hi everyone, I have 10 chickens of varying ages between 3 months-2 years. They are all currently sick with a respiratory illness. It started 3 days ago. Some hens are worse off than others. Symptoms are sneezing, coughing, wheezing, gurgling in chest but NO nasal discharge, eye issues...
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