Hello. We recently started this new adventure of raising chickens. We came home with 4 Wyandottes, 2 Amberlinks, and 1 California White. All was fine for a few hours but suddenly the California White was bleeding and being attacked. We’ve cleaned the wound, add antibiotic and isolated her...
Left flock of 3 alone for 2 days and 1 night in the coop, when we got back one of our pullets was limping. She holds her foot wide open and when you pinch the … heel? She will peck you. Otherwise I see no evidence of scabs or mites.
She gets around slow but okay, is eating and drinking and...
A bobcat jumped my electric fence just as I was arriving home. Scared it off but it left one hen with a serious injury. I was able to grab her right away and clean the wound and stop the bleeding, but it took a huge chunk of skin off the side of her neck. Any chance she is going to make it...
My Khaki Campbell has a seemingly injured left wing. She keeps it mostly tucked in and cannot flap it. Right now an avian physician is not an option. I've just let it be for around a week to see if it's just a sprain and will heal on it's own, but I've had little improvement. I think I should...
Just curious if others have seen similar with metal feed bowls? Is this just a chip that will heal over?
Have changed to plastic bowl now. She seems un-bothered if I touch it or clean it, it appears to have formed a scab over the top.
Hey there!
I just hatched from an incubator, and 7/8 out of 12 made it!
I have one runt, and he has an injured foot. It looks like one of the toes is cut pretty badly and the other chicks have been bullying him as well.
He’s 1 day old, and I wasn’t sure what to do, so I rinsed the foot off in...
Hey, so I think a hawk just attacked my birds. 1 duck is missing and I have at least 1 other with a small bill injury + I think a puncture wound or ripped feathers on her lower back. I had to carry her home, she was in shock, but she’s pretty alert now. I’ll do some research myself, but if you...
I’m asking for my mother in law that has a chicken she saved from a coop fire a few weeks ago. This hen is a silver laced bantam polish. She sent me these pictures and I am not sure what to tell her. I initially thought coccidia, but with the huge blood clot, I’m unsure since any of my chickens...
So I have a small flock and one of my girls got pecked bad today so I've had to bring her in the house where she will stay in a oversized dog crate on in my kitchen and be absolutely spoiled until she's in better health.
Here's the problem, it's winter. Once she's healed up she has to go back...
my chickens foot has been swollen for 3 months now. it was swollen on just her foot and we cut into it and meaty blood came out. there has been no scab to sign that its bumlefoot. its just a blood pus filled foot and leg. i feel like if it was bumblefoot it would have killed her by now. we...
I have a pullet that hatched in September.
I’ve never had this. I just was wondering if anyone knows what this is or how to deal with it. It could just be her anatomy, but I’ve never had a hen with this.
My concern is that she was injured through the fence when either an owl or raccoon came...
Today we left to pick up our dog from surgery, and when we returned a chicken had somehow climbed her way into our turkey run. Our turkeys attacked her, and she has a severe open wound on her neck. It is the back of her neck, almost two inches, and deep enough to see the tissue and some muscle...
This is our Phoebe, a 12-week-old Buff Orpington pullet. Recently, our coop got attacked by an owl and we lost one. Ever since then, Phoebe’s been acting strange (lethargic, quiet, weirdly dilated eyes). We chalked it up to her being traumatized, as we recently learned chickens can get mental...
I have already posted here before and gotten amazing help, but wanted to know if this is the early stages of bumblefoot, or a fracture mabye. Just for some context she was spooked and maybe attacked by a small cat. I only saw her running away while the cat just stands 5 meters away and after...
My frizzle chicken was ?attacked? (put it in question marks because I found her running and freaking out With a cat just standing about 5 meters away SO I'm not entirely sure what happened) she was attacked by a small cat no visible injury whatsoever apart from minor feather loss on mid back...
Recently one of our hens was attacked by what we assumed was an animal, and it ripped up her back (it could have been the rooster too, but I doubt it.) She was able to get up to the nesting box at first, but now she's unable to move one of her legs. She had a lot of poop caked into her feathers...
Our almost one year old Austra White (named Lumos) was observed sitting down a lot today so after checking her out, I found a large clump of dirt/poop dried onto a wound on the bottom of her foot. I soaked her feet in a warm epsom salt bath, slowly rubbed the dirt clump off, and observed a large...
My Barnevelder pullet was in rough shape yesterday after an awful hawk attack. Of my 3 pullets, 1 was taken/killed, 1 (this one) severely injured, and the other unharmed. I believe the hawk attempted to get the Barnevelder first and maybe she dropped from high in the air, causing the leg to...
My 2 year old pet hen, Jewel, just got caught by a dog. Her side is badly cut and is bleeding. I have flour, honey, and Vetericyn.
Should I coat her wound with Vetercyn and flour? Anyone is can help is greatly needed and appreciated.
This is Kowalski, my six month old Black Copper Marans chicken nemesis. Another chicken can lay an egg next to her and she'll ignore it, but if she sees me reaching for it, she'll fight me for it and break it, if she can get to it first. She also has developed a taste for my fingers. She is a...