We have a 12 week old Brahma hen who's only other flock mate was a Brahma rooster that passed away 2 days ago. I am her "mother hen" so she follows me everywhere. We had yet to integrate the Brahma babies with our existing flock of 10(1 australorp rooster), +2 male guineas. I now feel the...
Hi fellow chicken people! I have a question regarding flocks sharing a run. Chicken math has gotten me too many times and it’s time to downsize. I currently have 2 separate flocks. I am rehoming half of my hens.
I am looking to combine my flocks where they use the same run. I have two coops...
looking for suggestions and advice for integrating my 7 week chicks with my one year old chickens. I am currently doing the see no touch method in the run. I plan to add lots of clutter. There is a good size difference. Should I be alarmed? How do I do this smoothly? Thinking of fully...
Okay. first time poster.
So I have 5 buff orpingtons, 4 easter eggers, 3 americanas, 2 light brahmas, and 1 light brahma rooster in one living situation(15). They are very happy and healthy, the rooster is sweet to humans and his hens, but definitely keeps everyone in line. Couldn't ask for a...
Okay so I’m lost here because I see so many varying opinions-
My flock is 14 pullets, they’re barred Plymouth Rock, buff orpington, and australorp.
Thoughts on adding a rooster to a flock of my 17 week old pullets? They’re all just now beginning to lay. When I first got them I only wanted hens...
Hi! I have a mature flock of 16 hens, no roosters. I also have a segregated flock of 19 pullets, age ~10-8 weeks. The pullets are segregated in a separate Coop and run until they are big enough to free range with the bigger girls. They can all see each other, but not touch. Again, no roosters...
Would love to get some opinions on a situation with my chickens. I'm not sure if this post fits best in 'Chicken Behaviors' or if it's better off in the coop design thread.
I have four chickens from my original group. I got four new chicks this past spring and had my worst chicken...
Hey there! Farmin’ Armen here!
I have two RIR, 2 Cuckoo Marans, and 2 Ameracaunas. Got them in the mail about 5 weeks ago from McMurray. I took them out of the garage to build me a workout space (that I’ll rarely use like my jump rope) and placed them in the coop and run setup with the rest of...
I want to integrate my chicks into one brooder but need advice on the best way to do it. On side A I have (3 Jersey Giants, 2 Australorps & 1 Ameraucana). On side B I have 3 Buff Orpington pullets. Side B is 3 weeks. Side A is 4-5 weeks and 2 of them possible roosters. The Orps are smaller than...
I am looking for suggestions for my setup. We are raising our second batch of 4 chicks and have 3 adult hens. We have used this plastic bin with heat lamp for a few weeks, then upgraded to our wood deck box (in the house), before moving our last batch to their coop. The adults have their coop...
I will be adopting a new hen (Americana I think) in a few days and I'm very excited to add her to our flock of 5 hens! However, I've learned that the hen is brought inside the person's home at night, but put outside during the day. It is about a 6 month old hen, raised as a single chick, and was...
I have a wild rooster and 3 chicken siblings that live in my quiet neighborhood. I have known them since they were born and we are attached.
They rooster strayed crowing today for the first time. The last time a rooster crowed in our neighborhood, one of the neighbors killed him 😭.
I've never tried this before, but I need to add my newest rooster to the flock. I got rid of my other roosters recently, so I could add him. I'll need him for my breeding project next spring.
His name is Pewee and he is a silkie cockerel who has never really been around hens before. He was...
I have 2 cockerels and 2 pullets that are now 4 months old. That's when I normally integrate into my flock, but I'm normally integrating pullets only, or just one cockerel with a couple pullets. They have been living in an adjacent coop and run since they were about 6 or 7 weeks old, so they...
I have four 5 week old chicks that I got as babies. Yesterday I was picking up feed and was offered three more chicks for free with my purchase (getting older and they're trying to get rid of them I suppose). They must have looked a lot bigger in their small brooder at the store because when I...
Hi everyone! Longtime reader first time poster here in Chicago.
In April, we adopted two Polish chicks — one is a cockrel and the other a pullet. They are four months old now, and I think they'll get a *little* bigger, but they're significantly smaller than the rest of my flock (which includes...
Hello all!
We just moved to Oklahoma from Florida and I am finally starting my chicken journey! My friend here in OK asked us if we wanted to purchase her coop since she is moving and of course, I agreed. I knew she had lost a bunch of her flock to predators, but I didn't realize she still...
Hi, I’m looking for some advice on reintegrating some rescue hens and my not-exactly healthy Cockerel Sammy (he will be 1 year in November).
Background info: since December I have been treating, abducting, and rehousing the chickens on the farm I live on. Their conditions are not good, with...
So the 19 chicklets were getting a bit crowded in their "junior camp coop" as they are growing, and only about two weeks shy of being 16 weeks old and truly, officially ready to integrate with the 9 Big Girls and 2 roos. We've been letting them mingle throughout the day, or at least part of the...
We've bought pullets and raised them as pet hens for several years now. This is our first batch of chicks. They are now 5.5 weeks old. We've taken them off the heat lamp and they've been living in the brooder in our living room at standard indoor temps.
I hate to lose them and put them...