is eating and drinking

  1. S

    Help! Our Hen is Walking on Her Hocks!

    We are newer chicken owners. We have a small backyard flock of (5) about 4 month old hens. Four days ago we went out to let our flock free range the backyard which we usually do every day/every other day and we found our leading lady (a Rainbow Dixie) laying underneath the coop unwilling to come...
  2. chickenreyna

    Advice swollen eye.. swollen area around it..HELP

    Applying warm rag to it i have been doing It has not helped yet... She woke up like this yesterday. She Has an appetite plus drinking water, but alot of fatigue.. sleeping alot.. I have VET RX, IF THAT WOULD HELP ?? OPINIONS, PLEASE! MY FELLOW EGGGSPERTS :/ Photos below of both eyes. only...
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