is this normal

  1. RynNightmare

    Duck laying egg yolk and white with no shell or membrane

    My Cayuga ducks are almost 2 now and one of them has had some egg trouble before (laying soft eggs or eggs with just membranes) that was last year though and she’s been totally fine this year until today. The ducks get layer pellets and oyster shells so i think they’re getting good calcium. The...
  2. SapphireHill

    Weird Slow Neck Bobbing and Big Protruding Eyeballs

    We have a 4 month old Rouen/Swedish Blue duck who since the first day of hatch has done this weird thing with her neck. It’s a very slow, non stop up and down motion making her look like an animatronic robot duck as she also has unnaturally large protruding eyeballs. I’ve attached a video...
  3. M

    Chicken has bright blue eyes. Possible marek’s? Help!

    Just got this picture from a friend who hatched some of my birds eggs and just as I was thinking that the eyes looked really pretty, I remembered that Marek’s can cause something that looks like this. The other chicks still have blue/green eyes but nothing like this. I’ve never seen eyes this...
  4. P

    Sick or normal?

    My girl has a white spot that is next to her ear and above her waddle. It looks like it’s the same skin as the waddle and comb but I haven’t been able to find anything on it to make sure it’s normal. I’m unsure of the breed. She’s been acting fine but I’m just worried it’s something more serious...
  5. NubbyRyuu

    My Leilei laid Two First Eggs

    Not seeing this pop up on the Already Asked thing, and I'm not getting answers from people I follow, so here I am. My Leilei is a 5mo SilkiexBarbu Cross who I've confirmed laid 2 first eggs as opposed to 1. How I confirmed was I saw her poop and I thought her vent had prolapsed! I quickly...
  6. alecia555

    White skin silkies

    hey all! i’m looking at getting a silkie rooster for my silkie girls and i found a lady that has one around the same age however he has white skin. i was just wondering if this is a genetic thing or if it’s possibly crossed with some other breed. the lady says it’s unlikely that it’s a cross...
  7. I

    egg has started zipping but hasnt made progress in hours

    this is the first egg of the clutch and pipped this morning and started zipping soon after but they have not made any progress in more than 4 hours and the membrane looks like its dry and looks like its going hard humidity is 75-80% and temps are high end of 37c baby is peeping and trying to...
  8. OrlandoMama

    Egg song before an egg?

    My girls are 20weeks and 4 days and just last week I had at least one of them start laying but I think at least two now(light brahma and one of my rhode island reds). Both of their hips/bone structures were of a laying hen and wide enough and their wattles are super bright red. I heard one of...
  9. Blizzkona

    What does this mean?

    So my 5 month old silkie/polish cross started to make weird purring/growling sounds and won't move. It's been at least ten minutes. The chicks started to do it too. Should I be worried? Everything was fine before.
  10. Yaypekinducks

    Pekin duck beaks

    Someone I know got Pekin ducks a while ago, and I noticed that their ducks have differently shaped beaks. Their ducks beak shape(photo is not of their duck): My ducks beak shape: Are these both normal Pekin duck beaks?
  11. BackyardBreakfast

    What is this? Help

    this is my "10 week old" barred rock chick (my guess is roo) it seems to have a wetness on the underside, maybe from laying in poo or is it something serious? What is your guess this is?
  12. P

    Lack of Eggs - Stopped Laying or Hen is Eating ?

    4 hens - all just turning 2 years old. For the past 6 to 8 weeks the laying has basically stopped. My RR was laying 3 eggs per week and now is down to maybe 1 egg per week. One hen is laying super thin shelled eggs, maybe 1 or 2 per week. End of egg concaves because the shell is so thin. Oyster...
  13. MageofMist

    King Quail Hen laying eggs again (and showing signs of going broody) while still caring for babies?

    So, it seems Speckles has gone crazy with the fact that adorable fuzzy things come out of the eggs if she sits on them long enough, as I am pretty sure she isn't meant to be laying eggs yet until after she chases the babies away when they are old enough! The babies are still fuzzy and just...
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