
  1. Pearlescent

    Tom or Hen

    I have these 2 poults, the first I’ve bred, and I believe it to be a pair. The Tom gobbles and struts, so definitely a little man. They were both hatched on august 18th. The hen also struts, but she had 6 older brothers, so I’m not surprised. I am only posting him on here for comparison, mama...
  2. Wild-Turkey

    Processing Turkeys - Questions and Ranting??

    Hello, We plan to process three jakes tomorrow. They are all heritage. We have to buy a hatchet, a bucket, and some ice. This is my first time and we do not have most of the supplies yet, we can’t afford a plucker or the supplies to make a scalding tank. We plan to stick their heads through a...
  3. Wild-Turkey

    Five Jakes One Jenny

    So we have a group of six turkeys. Just like the title, five jakes, one jenny. They’re currently fine, but I know this is gonna be a problem later with fighting and overbreeding. They also hang out in the same yard as chickens and ducks, though they were raised separately and usually keep to...
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