Hello! I've been searching high and low for these breeds:
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte (can be splash too, I know the BBS are common)
Silver Laced Chocolate Orpington
Mottled Orpington
Jubilee Orpington
Chocolate Orpington
Crele orpington
Does anyone know of a hatchery that has any of these...
I have a chance to get some beautiful Jubilee Orpington mixes that are about 10 weeks old. Can you tell if they look like pullets or cockerels? Both parents are said to be mixed Jubilee Orpingtons. They are the big birds in the last two pictures. Thanks!!
Hi! We have four alleged pullets which were all allegedly hatched on April 1 and 3 (so about 9 weeks ago). The Jubilee Orpington (JO), Barred Rock (BR), and Salmon Faverolle (SF) all were picked up when they were allegedly 10-12 days old, but I really have some doubts that the SF was as old as...
Well, they are finally starting to really look like Orpingtons. Please excuse the boys names, they are Dumb and Dumber..they had not been hanfdled, were underweight etc when i got them it has taken a long time for them to learn normal chicken behavior..still not super savvy about rain.thankfully...
I am looking for Jubilee Orpington hatching eggs that I can pick up preferably in central or south Florida but may be able to travel where needed.
Thank you
I'm considering creating a new breed so to say.
I love my Jubilee orpingtons so much, Buffs too. And I was interested if by crossing them I could get something like Jubilee but for the base color to be closer to buff.
Hope someone can help me and inform me if I should even try it, what are the...
Hello! 👋🏽 I have an 8-week old Jubilee orpington that has turned out to be a roo (he started crowing this morning!) Unfortunately, I can't keep him so I need to find a good home for him.
I purchased him from a local sustainable farm that raises heritage chickens, and I've been feeding him...
Hi there; Newbie here!!
I’m dealing with a 18wk old Jubilee Orpington cockerel with Raspy breathing sounds, otherwise eating and drinking normally as far as I can tell. He’s acting his normal self from what I can tell as well. — I spend 2-3hrs with my Babies daily. We are a small Flock of #10...
I purchase this sweet gal when she was two days old from a local breeder (who, apparently, doesn’t know his breeds).
He told me she was a Jubilee Orpington. I think he was close (maybe she’s mixed?) but not full blooded Jubilee Orpington.
What are everyone’s thoughts? She’s the sweetest little...
Hello! Lots of questions here on both breeds & sex.
I bought what I thought was three pullets from a breeder. He was the one who confirmed the breeds. I live in the city & can't have roosters, and this is my second batch to replace the rooster I had before (UGH). All are a month old.
So here...
I know there are multiple opinions on this subject, but I want to hear them all!
I am putting fertilized eggs under my 7-day broody hen on Wednesday. She is already a mean girl. THE mean girl (white French marans). She is in the corner of the henhouse (elevated 3 feet off the ground). I have 5...
Hello, everyone!
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
Not new to chickens, had them for most of my life. I first got some baby chicks when I was a little girl and it was love at first peep!
(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
I currently have two mama hens...
Hello BYCers. Very new here! And new to keeping chickens, so you might be seeing lots of me.
Two and a half weeks ago we picked up three chicks from our local IFA. One was supposed to be a buff Orpington, but as she’s growing feathers she’s very mottled and I’m wondering if she might be a...
Anyone have suggestions for breeders of healthy, happy large fowl Jubilee Orpingtons? Looking for pullets, point of lay, or young hens. English style Orps favored, docile disposition important to me.
Warm thanks for your help!
UPDATE: Never mind this post, lol.... I don't know how to delete it. I know it isn't a Jubilee because it was not a yellow chick.
I have been looking online, trying to find anything that would show me, side by side, the differences between a Speckled Sussex and a Jubilee Orpington.
I have what...