
  1. arstarr

    Has anyone ever had a chicken repeatedly jump up and down just before laying an egg?

    << video linked below >> This is my sweet blue copper maran, Pippin. She's been laying since September 2023. A very odd layer, she laid every single day for the first month and then took three months off. She's now back to a fairly consistent every other day, but she's started a new pre-laying...
  2. D

    Chickens not jumping up onto perch in new coop

    Hi everyone This is my first post in the forum after being able to find plenty of advice on this forum over the past 2 years since owning chickens. When I first purchased my hens, I had a simple coop where as the hens walked in, they effectively walked onto the perches which were just above...
  3. Lauryn229

    Flying Easter Egger Chicks!

    My 10 week old Easter Eggers are so inseparable they will fly over anything to be together ! Here is a cute short video of one flying over the pool and landing in our hand. Usually she lands on our head Video link: They love each other so much! Millie & Greta
  4. barred2rock

    Landing Zone?

    In my coop I have perches at roughly 3', 4', and 5 1/2' (had one at over 8' but it's been removed). While the girls don't hesitate to jump from the 4' perch to the floor suddly a couple don't want to jump from the 5 1/2' perch to the floor. And they refuse to use the intermediate perches as a...
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