I just stumbled upon on of my ducks killed by something. It happened during the day and there was a 10ft trail of feathers and practically no blood spilled. The front of the neck had been de-skinned. The rest of the body was completely intact and undamaged. She was also a very slow moving duck...
A predator keeps killing off my ducks and chickens one by one. First it got my rooster then my hen and now two of my ducks!
I find the birds looking the same way each time I find them! Either with the head and neck missing or their head and neck still there with the neck stripped clean and...
I had 1 adult speckled Sussex rooster, 1 adult speckled Sussex hen, 1 adult sapphire gem hen, 1 adult buff orpington, 1 adult sapphire gem / speckled Sussex cross, 1 adult orpington / Sussex cross, and 6 nearly fully grown wyadottes bullets. They free ranged in my yard and get put up at night...
Does anyone know what predator could have killed my turkey. One of my bourbon red hens was in a bush dead. I have a flock of ten turkeys
• Only the head and neck were left, however it was seemingly untouched aside from being pulled off of the body
• The feathers were not too scattered, but there...
So bit of a strange one. My brother keeps little call ducks and drakes, he has this one drake who killed all his children by drowning them once, drowned his partner and now.....................I discovered last night he had killed a fellow call duck....and...em...ate her? Like yesterday...
This morning, I let the chickens out of their coop, into their run, and all twelve were healthy and in stable condition.
This evening, when I went to put the chickens back in the coop, I found one chick dead and decapitated.
My run is made of 1/4" hardware cloth all the way round, with a...
I’ve had 2 ducks in the last 3 months die identically, both ducks were fully grown and had beaks torn off, nothing else was hurt or injured, eyes were still intact, bodies were intact, and no ruffles feathers. I have other ducks and I really want to find out what’s doing this to my pets! They...
I’m so disappointed and sad and angry. My neighbors dogs climbed our 6 foot fencing that’s around our whole yard, got past our electric fencing somehow and into our chicken run and killed every single one of our chickens except for one. I don’t even know how they got into my chicken run. I’m...
My chickens stopped laying almost a month ago. We have around 17 hens now. We started with brown layers a couple years ago. Introduced 8 deklabs about a year ago. They seemed to get along fine over time. They just started picking on some of the white layers a couple months ago. They have gotten...
How many total chickens have you/currently have and how many chickens have you lost to illness or predators? Don't include chickens slaughtered for meat, please. That is a controlled kill. We have owned a total of 24 chickens, We have lost 7 to predators and 2 to illnesses. Our ratio sucks. To...
Hi, a few years ago me and my wife decided to get quail as we have an avid interest in quails and all animals really.
They made amazing companions, so sweet, harmless and therapeutic to be around, they cost barely any money to feed etc, so are perfect all round. Me and my wife built a fantastic...
What would do this to a brooding wild duck? It happened between 12am - 7am.
There was this watery poop over two walls of our courtyard, the day before the duck was killed and the morning I found her dead. It may be a coincidence, but I would think maybe it is related. I don't think the poop...
I have a few different breeds of chickens, some older existing flock, and some new blood hatched this spring. My intentions were to separate them into three breeding quartets, (three hens and a roo, if that's the term), in tractors, plus a yard flock. I culled, and sold, and had the numbers...
Lasr night i heard a ruckus on top of my chcicken house. Went out to find a raccoon in the run. Chased him out, climbed the inside of the hardwear cloth wall and out thru a small place in the roof that was not securely nailed down. Checked to make sure all chickens were ok, think i was missing...
My beautiful Partridge Cochin has been battling the heat. I've done everything I can, I've read articles and done it all.
At first I wasn't surprised when I found her collapsed in the chicken coop. Then I got closer.
My coop door is left open and so is the window straight back. The window has...
so one of my family cats killed a mother bird that has 3 eggs that are in reach, so i can easily reach them but i dont know what to do with them once i get them down. i have raised nestlings before but never had to hatch them from an egg. I think the mother was a fly catcher but am unsure...