What is the injectable dose and frequency of LA200. I have read multiple answers on here and Google searches. Some say 1ml for large breed, but even the box says 0.5ml per 10lbs. Also, is it daily (once or twice), or every three days; and for how long?
thank you in advance
My little Barred Rock, Betty, was acting strange Sunday afternoon. She was walking but a little wobbly and I noticed her neck tucked down, she was a little puffed up, and her comb, wattles, & face were very pale. So I brought her inside and put her in a pet carrier with food and water which she...
Hey guys i picked up some chicks today from store and they had just been delivered, still in shipping box. Got a few different breeds but one Road Island Red when i got home noticed it was acting VERY strange. It is acting like when a kid gets spun around a tire swing and their head kinda moves...